TWC Deep Earth Computer: A Platform for Linked Science of the Deep Carbon Observatory Community Xiaogang (Marshall) Ma, Yu Chen, Han Wang, Patrick West, John Erickson, Peter Fox Tetherless World Constellation Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, NY, USA DCO Early Career Scientist Workshop Feb , San Jose, Costa Rica
TWC Do you use DOI to retrieve papers? Do you use EndNote or Mendeley? Do you have a ResearcherID or ORCiD? Do you use ResearchGate or other social media? 2
TWC Data science combines aspects of informatics, data management, library science, computer science and physical science using cyberinfrastructure and information technology 3
TWC Data: opportunities and challenges 9/ /2009 2/2011 3/2010 4
Ma, X. et al., Data exchange facilitated. Nature Geoscience, 4 (12), 814. Data: interoperability Interoperable: “Data should be discoverable, accessible, decodable, understandable and usable, and data sharing should be legal and ethical for all participants.” 6
TWC Data science for DCO community Advancing the science of the Communities Engagement Team with Engagement Liaisons Engagement Team with Engagement Liaisons Data Science Team with Data Science Advisory Committee Data Science Team with Data Science Advisory Committee Deep Life Deep Life Reservoirs & Fluxes Deep Energy Physics & Chemistry data curation DCO Secretariat DCO Data Portal data requirements data publication & reuse 7
TWC Deep Earth Computer Provides these functions at minimum: –A concept model identifying and linking all key entities, agents and activities –A repository for datasets, publications, organizations, projects, etc. and associated metadata –Unique and powerful data and metadata visualization tools for the dissemination of information –Collaboration tools for scientific efforts –An integrated portal for diverse content and applications 8
TWC 9 VIVO - represents academic research communities DCO ontology: a model for concept types and relationships DCO ontology extends the VIVO ontology
TWC Identify and annotate Information on the landing page of a dataset
TWC Linking to enable forward and backward tracking Landing page of Deep Energy Community 11
TWC Landing page of a person 12
TWC Repository for archiving datasets Archived datasets of ‘Noble gas isotope abundances in terrestrial fluids’ 13
TWC Tracing and repeatability: a topic of provenance Example: provenance of the sea level rise scenario Ma, X. et al., Capturing and presenting provenance of global change information. Nature Climate Change. In Press
TWC Visualized information viewing 15
TWC All information is linked and traceable! 16
TWC Collaboration tools Group Based Collaboration Group data deposit and reporting Listings of group content Group management and messaging
TWC Group bibliography Group task management Group membership Group event management Group shared calendar 18
TWC 19 Research activities report dashboard: Results updated in real time as new member registered, new activities reported, new publication uploaded…
TWC View the disciplinary distribution of someone’s publications 20
TWC Boundary activities: establish data infrastructure interfaces International Geo Sample Number … 21
TWC An integrated portal: If you do not have a ID for it, register now! 22
TWC Wrap-up Deep Earth Computer –A platform for Linked Science of DCO Community –Promote collaborations –Improve openness and reproducibility of Carbon-related researches –Facilitate accreditation to resource contributors 23
TWC Thank you!