102 English 2010 Course Overview credits
English for NCEA Level 1 8 credits in English or Te Reo are required as part of your Level 1 NCEA certificate. Please use a ring binder and refill OR a large hardcover exercise book.
102 Internal Assessment Programme 16 Internal Credits There are 5 tasks: A.S. 1.7 Speech (Term 1) A.S. 1.9 Research (Term 2) A.S. 1.1 Creative writing (Term 3) U.S Reading Log U.S Formal writing
These internal assessments are one task/ one chance only Put a star by them on your list… (each is worth 3 credits) Speech Research Creative writing
102 External Assessment Programme 5 – 7 External Exam Credits There will be 2 or 3 exam papers to sit in November A.S. 1.6 close reading of unfamiliar texts and A.S. 1.3 OR 1.4 written text studies and/or A.S. 1.5 film study
Thinking ahead to Year 12 I need to pass: at least 12 English credits U.S formal writing = 2 pieces of writing A.S. 1.9 research at least one EXTERNAL exam standard 202 English
Learning Support Class wikispace Lunchtime and Wednesday morning catch-ups
Setting our Term 1 goals Term 1 = 9 weeks Literacy skills Reading skills Speaking skills Writing skills TARGET Language terms; writing; close reading Writing two response paragraphs for minute speech assessment Formal writing - letter to the editor - speech 3 credits gained for speech 1.7
Let’s get started… rule a column down the RH side of your page for your Learning Log. Activity Learning Log
Copy the LI and SC for the next task into the Learning Log column. Learning Intention We aim to be accurate in spelling. Success Criterion I can score at least 8/10 in the spelling test. Activity Learning Log Spelling Pre-Test
Head up on your page: Spelling Pre-testDate:…… … (number down the page) 10 Spelling List 1 – pre-test
Spelling List 1 1. abysmal 2. abrupt 3. accessible 4. accidentally 5. accept 6. accommodation 7. achievement 8. address 9. adolescent 10. alliteration Test is on Monday.
Copy the LI and SC into the Learning Log column on a new page of refill. Learning Intention To use more formal English. Success Criterion I can write a Letter of Introduction to my teacher, using polite formal vocabulary. Letter of Introduction Learning Log Instructions