Mrs. Herring’s Fourth-Grade Class Welcome, parents and students!
Welcome to Fourth Grade! I will introduce you to fourth grade and to our classroom. If you have any questions during my presentation, please ask them as we discuss each subject.
My Goals To give your child the academic and social skills he/she needs to progress to future grades. To provide a supportive and fun classroom environment. To encourage your child to make new friends and discover new interests.
Curriculum Highlights Grading Scale: A B C D F 69-0
Class Subjects ELA Reading, Language, Spelling,and Writing Mrs. Reaman Mr. Michalik Ms. Parker Mrs. Ansbach Ms. Schillinger
Math, Science, and Social Studies Mrs. Herring Mr. Michalik Mrs. Viel Mrs. Schillinger
Reading We will read various genres of stories. We will concentrate on writing and comprehension.
Accelerated Reader Reading Levels Test on books Points Logs
Language, Spelling and Writing Grammar topics will be taught and reinforced through the students’ writing. We will be writing in all subjects. Spelling City
Math We have the Pearson math series. Homework will vary. Multiplication facts a must!!!
Social Studies Pennsylvania Packets Tests Highlighted
Foss Science Test after each investigation Projects after each module Earth Materials Magnetism and Electricity Human Body
Handwriting This grade will be based on their handwriting in all subjects. Students will receive a grade of O (outstanding), S(satisfactory) or U(unsatisfactory)
Specials Technology-Varies by class PSSA-Mrs. Yacherra Gym-Mr. Michalick Library-Mrs. Barrasso Art-Mrs. Barrasso Music-Mrs. Yacherra
Homework Your child will be assigned about 60 minutes of homework every night. This should include about 20 minutes of AR reading.
. All homework is due the next day. not complete not in school. Homework demerits will be issued if the homework is not complete or not in school. Homework
Help develop good study habits. Homework every night. Check for neatness, accuracy and completeness. Homework assignment books are a great asset. They are being filled out daily in class. Please check nightly.
Things you should know!! Excuse notes are due within two days of student’s return to school. Birthday treats may be ordered from café. Walker notes must be sent in if not taking the bus that day.
Signatures Required All tests need to be signed and returned. All demerits need to be signed.
Raider Rules District wide elementary discipline policy. Uses a demerit system. Behavior Demerits Homework Demerits 1 of 2 slides
Raider Rules Please refer to t-chart. Any demerits given will be found in front of planner and must be signed by parent.
Website Faculty Mrs. Herring Tabs for all important information Homework- Will be under the teacher they have for each subject!!!!! Tests Upcoming events AR info Misc. information
Musical Instruments School year lessons are given without charge. Students who sign up for lessons will be given a 15 minute lesson each week during the school day.
The Sniffles Are Coming! Please if possible, donate a box of tissues to our classroom.
PTO Membership Anyone volunteering will need clearances. Room parents Field trip chaperones Olympic Day workers
Let’s Have a Great Year!
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