Robotics Telepresence Lab session: work on projects Homework: projects, postings
Telepresence Variety of problem domains Surgery Games Conferences –Video conference –Shared classroom [Blackboard?] Text chat, video chat –Google+ Hangout for up to 10 Monitoring activity –Vision system in computer classroom? Web cams –Monitoring without interaction (other than camera control) Social networking sites –Second Life
Surgery Telepresence---teleo-operated (e.g., DaVinci robot) data driven---use computation based on pre-operative CT scans elease.cfm?EventPage=PressRelease_De tail.cfm&release_id=806 elease.cfm?EventPage=PressRelease_De tail.cfm&release_id=806
Tele-presence Presence in an artificial/digital world –How important and can one measure the extent in which a subject feels/thinks/experiences 'presence'? Experiments doing fMRI to see what area of the brain is active. Presence in another physical location Surgery may be something in-between??? Remote medicine involves access to test results…
Conferencing Study: telepresence-vs-videoconferencing.pdfhttp:// telepresence-vs-videoconferencing.pdf Is a sense of presence the most important factor? Consider also group work using cloud computing. Standard task is group work on text or code –What is unit of sharing? Is it important that everyone sees every keystroke? –Why did Google Buzz fail?
Telepresence features Avatars [real looking] whole bodies Holographic projection? Video of varying quality? hands
Study related to control for telepresence The hand is more easily fooled than the eye: users are more sensitive to visual interpenetration than to visual-proprioceptive discrepancy Burns E., Razzaque S., Panter A., Whitton M., McCallus M., Frederick P J. Presence: Teleoperators and Virtual Environments 15(1): 1-15, Burns E.Razzaque S.Panter A.Whitton M.McCallus M.Frederick P J.Presence: Teleoperators and Virtual Environments Measured responses of subjects playing a game by controlling avatar’s hand –Primed and not primed –Calibrated individual response
Question Should we have zoos [now]? –We now have professionally produced TV shows showing animals 'in the wild'. There also is the Web, including web cams, Google maps, etc. We may be close to the ability to send ourselves into 'the wild'. ??? –Being near to an animal is better than seeing one on-screen. [Getting out and walking around away from screens is essential.] Zoos may educate, promote support of wildlife habitats. ??? Some natural habitats are gone or limited.
Haptic devices Relating to sense of touch –Also strain, heaviness, etc. NOTE: for this especially, signal may be amplified or transformed for better performance Devices providing users with feedback to help perform task –Blind –Missing limbs –Games –Surgeons –?
Why? Some applications reminds me of phone companies focus on video phone at expense of work on data communications –People are on Facebook, other social networking sites and experience community. –Skepticism does not apply to haptic devices, other…. Discussion?
Lab & Homework Work on projects Postings Student can post a suggested question for the final quiz! –Different or significant elaboration on what is already on guide