Digital Media Chapter 15 Recap/Lecture
Announcements Reminder: Tuesday, December 2 nd – Last day of class Reflection paper due (double space; see syllabus) Will not meet as a class Papers due (to my office) and review sheet posted Course Evaluations (online) Group Evaluation (Faculty Webpage) No quiz today
What is Digital Media? …”electronic modes of communication that store and manage data in digital form” (p. 307) Messages transmitted through computer technologies; technology ‘digitizes, stores, sends messages’ Media that relies on digital technologies Examples: social media, video games, TV, smartphones Easier to manipulate? Encourages convergence? Increases speed—good or bad thing? (e.g. expectations, accuracy)
Using Digital Media Workplace Video conferencing Virtual meetings Completing tasks Schools Alerts during emergencies Supplement lectures Research Studying impact
Digital Media in Society and Politics
Digital Media in Personal Lives
Good or Bad? Debate (AE #10) Consumers vs. Owners Impacts thinking (multitasking, critical thinking) Costs and Rewards Big topic for debate related to millennials – Social media