2011 Upper Basin Stakeholder Forum Nueces River Authority Feb 16, 2011 – Uvalde Feb 23, 2011 – Corpus Christi
1991 Texas Clean Rivers Program To monitor and assess the water quality in the 25 basins throughout Texas TCEQ developed partnerships to manage CRP –15 Partner Agencies State agencies River Authorities Local Governments
NRA’s Area of Responsibility –Nueces River Basin –S.A. Nueces Coastal Basin –Nueces Rio Grande Coastal Basin –Bays and Estuaries 44 Segments 30,500 Square Miles
Texas Clean Rivers Program $9 Million Allocated Statewide Amongst CRP Partners Over 2 Years: NRA: $548,272 Over 2 Years –NRA CRP Budget By Task Project Administration – 21% Quality Assurance – 4% Water Quality Monitoring – 39% Data Management – 13% Data Analysis and Reporting – 9% Stakeholder Participation and Public Outreach – 13% Special Projects: Petronila Creek Continuous Monitoring – 1%
Quarterly Routine Monitoring –pH – DO – Conductivity –Temp –Ammonia –Nitrates –Phosphorus –Chlorophyll-a –Turbidity –Bacteria –Chloride –Sulfate
NRA Database
Interactive Map
Coordinated Monitoring Schedule
NRA Coordinated Monitoring Meeting –Plan Sampling for upcoming Year –Invite: –TCEQ Regional Offices –TPWD –CBBEP –Other Interested Parties
Assessment (Integrated Report) Every 2 Years Based on 7 Years of Data: –2010 – December 1, 2001 – November 30, 2008 –2012 – December 1, 2003 – November 30, 2010
Classified Water Bodies Are Assigned Designated Uses –Aquatic Life Exceptional High Intermediate Limited –Oyster Waters –Contact Recreation Primary Contact Secondary Contact 1 and 2 (New) Noncontact –Public Water Supply –Fish Consumption –General Use
Water Quality Criteria are Assigned to Designated Uses Aquatic Life –Dissolved Oxygen Public Water Supply –Chloride –Sulfate –TDS Recreation –Bacteria General Use –Water Temperature –pH –Ammonia –Nitrogen –Phosphorus Fish Consumption –Fish Tissue
Assessment Includes 2 Lists: –305(B) List Concerns –303(d) List Impairments
Concerns 305(b) List Water bodies where 20% of samples > criteria –Ammonia-Nitrogen –Nitrate+Nitrite –Orthophosphorus –Total phosphorus –Chlorophyll-a
Impairments 303(d) List Water bodies that do not meet the criteria for support of one or more of its beneficial uses
Impairments 303(d) List TDS, Chloride, Sulfate –Average > criteria (Public Water Supply Impairment) DO: grab samples and 24-Hr average –10% of samples < criteria (Aquatic Life Impairment) pH –10% of samples outside range (General Use Impairment) E. coli, Enterococcus –Geometric mean > criteria (Recreational Use Impairment)
List of Impairments in the Upper Basin 2103 Lake Corpus Christi impaired TDS (New) 2104 Nueces River Above Frio impaired Fish and Macrobenthos community (New) 2106 Nueces River/Lower Frio River impaired for TDS 2107 Atascosa River impaired for bacteria, low DO, Fish, and Macrobethos community 2108 San Miguel Creek impaired for bacteria 2109 Leona River impaired for bacteria
2010 List of Impairments in the Upper Basin 2110 Lower Sabinal River impaired for nitrates 2113 Upper Frio River impaired for Macrobenthos and Fish communities 2116 Choke Canyon impaired for Low DO 2117 Frio Above Choke Canyon impaired for bacteria
CWA Requires State to Take Action to Restore Impaired Waters Additional Monitoring - is the impairment real? Use Attainability Analysis (UAA)- Are existing criteria and uses appropriate for water body? Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) Watershed Protection Plan (WPP) Special Study
Ongoing Projects to Address the Impaired Water Bodies in the Upper Basin Atascosa River –UAAs Lower Sabinal –TMDL Leona River –Assessment
Atascosa River Segment 2107 Flows 103 Miles to confluence with the Frio River Impaired for: –Bacteria (1996) –Low Do (1996) –Fish Community (2006) –Macro Community (2010)
Atascosa River TMDL Team-UAAs –Contact Recreation –Aquatic Life Use –Are designated uses and existing criteria appropriate for the Atascosa? * Currently Contact recreation and high aquatic life use
Recreational Use Attainability Analysis (RUAA) Evaluate the presence or absence of water recreation activities in the Atascosa –Report was submitted to the standards group
Aquatic Life Use Attainability Analysis Data Collection to be completed in Fall 2011 Technical report will be out in 2012 The UAAS will assess Current Standards and Criteria on the Atascosa
Lower Sabinal Flows 27 miles to the confluence with the Frio Listed in 2002 as impaired for Nitrates
Lower Sabinal TMDL 2003 TCEQ initiated a TMDL (Total Maximum Daily Load) TMDL team determined nitrates were from the Sabinal WWTF –Built in 1967 within the 100 year floodplain
TMDL Implementation Plan New WWTF To Be Completed This Spring New WWTF in Sabinal thru the use of ARRA Funds -outside 100 yr. floodplain -looped aeration -clarifiers -UV disinfection -Mech. Screen
Leona River Assessments Nikki Jackson TIAER
Other Studies and Projects NRSA Study-EPA Study of streams and rivers across the U.S. Determine % of good, fair, and poor conditions
NRSA Study
NRA SEP Application
Supplemental Environmental Project Funding Violators can use fine to support an environmental project in their region 3 rd parties can apply for funding projects
2011 Basin Highlights Report –Assessment Year BHR– a snapshot of every segment and any impairments or concerns –Year Following the Assessment BHR -any updates and ongoing projects in each basin –Every 5 th year Basin Summary-more in depth and detailed than the Basin Highlights Report Comments to Kati Carberry Fax: Mail: Nueces River Authority 1201 N. Shoreline Blvd. Corpus Christi, TX 78401
Input for FY 2011 Planning Additional routine monitoring sites? Special studies? Additional outreach opportunities? Additional web-based information?
Contact Information Kati Carberry: Sky Lewey: Rocky Freund: Beth Almaraz: