Desalination Berufliches Schulzentrum Amberg – Ulli Schicklgruber This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.
Topics General view Distillation Membrane processes Criticism Fun facts Desalination - Ulli Schicklgruber
General view 780 million people are still without sources of drinking water 96,5% saline water used to remove salt and other minerals from saline water desalination plants provide water for 300 million people Desalination - Ulli Schicklgruber
General view Used for: Drinking water Domestic use Industrial use Irrigation Desalination - Ulli Schicklgruber
Distillation about 60% of all desalinated water in the world distills seawater into steam condensates steam collects drinking water Desalination - Ulli Schicklgruber
Distillation A - steam in B - seawater in F - heat exchange G - condesnation collection C - potable water out D - waste out
Membran processes Uses the principle of reverse osmosis For saline water a preassure of Bar is needed No heating needed Not just salts are filtered out Desalination - Ulli Schicklgruber
Criticism Very high energy cost of 3 kWh/m 3 for seawater compared to local fresh water 0,3 kWh/m 3 Most desalination plants are located in North Africa and Middle East and use their oil resources to purify water Russia and Japan use the heat exhaust from nuclear powerplants Seawater desalination creates large quantities of saline concentrate Desalination - Ulli Schicklgruber
Fun facts Saudi Arabia is the biggest producer of desalinated water with 17% Israel produces 40% of its domestic water use from seawater The world's largest desalination plant, producing 640,000 m 3 per day, is the Jebel Ali Desalination Plant in Dubai Desalination - Ulli Schicklgruber
Thank you for your attention! Desalination - Ulli Schicklgruber