Virtual Classroom Simulation (Analysis Model) Dr. David A. Workman COP 4232 Summer 2004 Fall 2004 Summer 2005
Virtual Classroom Simulation (VCS): Requirements S Instructor SS S S S S SS S SS S S S S 10.The Quiz period begins with the Instructor handing out Quizzes by giving the first Student in a given file of seats, the number of Students in that file. Students take one and hand the rest to the Student behind them. 11.Students take a Quiz by entering their name and answering each Question, if the answer is known. When the Quiz is finished a Student hands in the Quiz and leaves the Classroom. 12.When the class period ends when all Quizzes have been received and the Instructor leaves the Classroom. This ends the simulation. 1.The figure illustrates the virtual classroom. This is a model of the physical reality being simulated. The virtual object is a Classroom composed of one Instructor, and one or more Students distributed randomly over available seats. Classroom capacity must always be equal to or exceed the number of Student instances. 2.Class begins when the Instructor arrives in the Classroom. Hint: make the Instructor TOA = 0. 3.Lecture begins after the Instructor has prepared the Classroom for lecture; this delay is an input parameter of Instructor. 4.Students arrive after the Instructor and before the Instructor leaves the Classroom. TOA >= 0. 5.Lecture time consists of the Instructor disseminating Concepts to the Students, where each Concept is followed by a Q&A period. The class period ends when the Instructor has finished collecting Quizzes from all Students and leaves the room. (See Note-5) 6.Concepts are composed of Facts, each Fact is illustrated by zero or more examples. Time to deliver a Concept is a function of the number of Facts. Time to deliver a Fact is a function of the number of Examples. Each Concept has a comprehension difficulty that varies between 0.0 and 1.0 (1.0 = most difficult). 7.Students retain Facts about a Concept as a function of their comprehension ability and the Concept difficulty. If a Student doesn’t understand a Concept, a Question is asked during the Q&A period. 8.The length of the Q&A period is a function of the Concept difficulty. 9.The total Lecture time cannot exceed half the class period.
CSS: Agents Classroom: The simulated virtual world. –Parameters: #students (must be less or equal to seating capacity) –Constituients: Instructor, Students, Seats Instructor: Delivers Lecture Concepts, answers Student Questions, and Administers Quizzes. –Parameters: prepPd, quizDistributionDelay (per student in a given file), answerDelay (per student Question) (See Notes) –Constituients: Lecture, Quizzes Student: Understands Concepts, learns Facts about Concepts, takes a Quiz. –Parameters: agentid, comprehension ( ), questDelay, yesDelay (per Quiz Question for which answer is known), noDelay( per Quiz Question for which answer is not known) (See Notes) –Associations: Quiz Seats: Active container for Students. Allocates Students to seats as they arrive to class –Parameters: #files, #rows (capacity = #files*#rows)
CSS: Passive Classes Fact{ Id#, Info, #examples, [possible Q&A delay]} Concept{ Id, difficulty, Q&A period length, {Facts}} Lecture{ {Concepts}} StudentQuestion { factId } The Id of a Fact the Student didn’t understand for a given Concept Knowledge { conceptId, difficulty, factId, factInfo } A Knowledge message is sent to Students while initially presenting Facts that are part of a Concept. Answer{ factId, factInfo } A message sent to Students in response to their Question about a Fact QuizQuestion{ factId, conceptId, student response = factInfo } A question is formed by giving a factId and conceptId and expecting the Student to supply the factInfo – this implies all Fact ids must be unique. Quiz{ namefield, row#, file#, student score, {QuizQuestion}} The student must enter their name, row, and file before taking the Quiz.
Student: Behavior Model See Notes Start Looking for Seat Knowledge/ no action ArriveClass/ Action(1) Actions: (1) Student sends instantaneous message to Seats that he/she has arrived to class. (2) Seats randomly allocates the Student a location in class (row# and file#) and returns an instantaneous “SitHere” message. The Student remembers his/her row# and file# for the Quiz. (3) Based on the Concept difficulty and the Student’s comprehension, the Student decides whether or not he/she has understood the Fact – if not, this Fact will be the basis for a later question during Q&A. (4) The Student picks one Facts he/she did not understand and posts an instantaneous Question to the Instructor. (5) The Student remembers the factInfo provided by the Answer. Then, if there are still Facts not understood, repeat Action(4). (6) Take a Quiz from the stack of Quizzes supplied by the message. If none remains [~A], take no further action and begin taking the Quiz. Otherwise [A], send a message to Seats to find out what Student is sitting immediately behind you. (7) When Seats responds with the identity of the Student sitting behind you, send a TakeQuiz message to next Student behind you in the file with the remaining stack of Quizzes. Begin taking the Quiz. (8) In the “Answer Quiz” state, the Student fills out the Quiz with name and seat information and then proceeds to answer questions. The Student computes the total time required to complete the Quiz (summing yesDelay and noDelay over the QuizQuestions) and sends the completed Quiz to the Instructor, and a Exit to him/her-self. When this message is received, the Student terminates its behavior. Listening To Lecture SitHere/ Action(2) Knowledge/ Action(3) Asking Questions Q&ATime/ Action(4) Q&AEnd/no action Answer/ Action(5) Hand Out Quizzes TakeQuiz/ [A] Action(6) Knowledge/ no action Answer Quiz TakeQuiz/[~A] no action NextStudent/ Action(7) Ended Exit/ Action(8)