Role of Faith Communities in Tackling Violence against Women and Girls DFID Roundtable: Interfaith Week Monday, 17 th November 2014 Dr Helen Liebling GBV Hub of Joint Learning Initiative on Local Faith communities Photo shows ‘Joyce’ in centre a SGBV survivor supported by the Church and Tearfund © Chris Boyd/Tearfund
Role of Faith-Based Organisation’s -Important leadership role and active partners in prevention of SGBV in conflict and post-conflict settings (Policy Paper, FCO, 2014) -Long-term track record in service provision: 40-50% of healthcare in Sub- Saharan Africa was provided by faith groups (WHO, 2006) -Can support and inhibit resilience, rebuilding identities and connection in conflict-affected communities (UNHCR, 2012) ‘Theresa’ in blue shirt is the founder of 'Somebody cares' © Chris Boyd/Tearfund
Why Faith Matters to Survivors? Survivors require safe places Prayer helps recovery but few survivors access faith groups: “Trusting God has given us strength. We have come together and formed groups through which we have learnt from each other many things. Being together makes us forget our miseries” (Survivor in Uganda; Liebling, 2009) Pastoral counselling in Luwero had limited success FBO’s help survivors mobilise for improvements to services, ‘justice’ and compensation © Research in Kitgum, Liebling & Baker (2010) Photo: Gladys Faddy Canogura, Director, Kitgum Women’s Peace Initiative and Helen running SGBV training in Orom, northern Uganda
Why Faith Matters to Survivors? FBO’s can engage and educate communities to raise awareness of survivor’s needs and combat stigma Help decrease social rejection of survivors by communities Tackle gender inequalities, masculinities, discrimination and cultural/religious influences ‘Listening houses’ with lay counsellors extremely important to find dignity and re-establish connection to others (Research in eastern DRC, Liebling, Slegh & Ruratotoye, 2012) Photo shows ‘Alice’, Leader of Church Group for women and girl survivors © Liebling et al. (2012)
Why Faith Matters to Survivors? Benefits of someone to listen and validate experiences Prayer and church helps relieve traumatic impact Survivors access FBO’s prior to other services Key role in education on impact of traumatic experiences, informing community outreach services, reconciliation and healing processes (Research in Gulu & Kitgum, Liebling, Davidson, Canogura & Ochola. 2014)
Sexual and Gender-Based Learning Hub Aims to increase quality and quantity of robust practical evidence on poorly understood role of local faith communities Survivors need safe places. However, faith services not been places of refuge and survivors want them to be Hub set up to explore complex issues further and build evidence base for role of faith in prevention and response to survivors to strengthen investment and programming
Outputs Scoping Report Prevention and response to SGBV? Support or undermine resilience of survivors? Unique strengths or weaknesses? Lived experiences of survivors? Potential of LFC’s to influence their communities, attitudes and culture that leads to SGBV? Bibliography and resources Policy Recommendations and areas for future research Pilot action research in Great Lakes Disseminate results
Contact Details Veena O’Sullivan: Lizle Loots: Helen Liebling Tearfund: Gender-Based Violence Hub: Discussion Forum: We will speak out: