Recycling in Tlapanalá, Mexico
In a small Mexican village, women gather things to recycle.
Even the little girls help out.
It’s a big job.
Records need to be kept because people earn money by recycling.
The recycled items are stored for three months before the truck comes to pick them up.
Many homes stores the bags in their back yards.
It’s a good feeling when all the work is done!
When the truck arrives, the bags are loaded.
The work is hard and messy..
When everything is loaded, it’s time to take things to the recycling center.
Tomorrow they will start working again to keep their village clean and to help the environment.
Facts about recycling in Tlapanalá The group is called Mujeres Reciclando, which means “Women who Recycle.” It was started in January Most of the work is done by women and children because the men are working in other places. After all of their work, each person who participates earns about $15.00 per month