Shinto means way of gods The main feature of Shinto is the belief of kami Shinto had know concern about life after death
Prince shotoku admired Chinese culture in other ways he admired china He helped rule Japan by the age of 20,his love for his country influenced Japan by he adopted ideas form china to use in Japan He built a Buddhist temple that is still there today
Court nobles loved beauty like fashion they began with there own appearances they liked silk robes and gold jewelry, like elaborate outfits They took great care with how they spoke and wrote many women wrote diary's they carefully chose there words they wrote in Japanese mostly greatest works were by women The most popular visual arts were they loved bold colors so many arts are bold they loved nature
Japanese women loved bold colors different stuff There wedding gowns were way more different then ours They had short wedding gowns red purple and sometimes white
Shikibu was born into the Fujiwara family, daughter of the governor of a province, who also was a well known scholar At court, Lady Murasaki began a diary she kept up for two years Little is know about Lady Murasaki's later life
Japanese agriculture the nobles of heian work to make there beautiful city They admired Chinas agriculture and they modeled Heian after the Chinese capital For some buildings they liked simple airy designs
Noh was a drama created in the 1300s They play combined music They dance they tell heroes from the past or figures
Zen is Japanese for meditation Zen can be a very rewarding, and difficult Zen Buddhism is a very difficult,it was originally devolved by China but it stressed to Japan
This religion was popular because it didn’t require any special rituals They chanted Buddha's name over and over again They chanted it for a enlighten state