Young people’s participation though journalism Lee Atkins, Senior Youth Worker, Warwickshire Association of Youth Clubs (WAYC)
Young people’s participation though journalism How are young people portrayed in local and nationals newspapers, broadsheets and tabloids? How this this portrayal make young people feel? Does it represent the young person’s perspective?
Young people’s participation though journalism PositiveBalanced/ neutral Negative Source: Young Researcher Network (YRN) through NYA, 2008
Young people’s participation though journalism Source: Young Researcher Network (YRN) through NYA, 2008 For 2007: The most positive was broadsheet newspapers with 45 per cent positive stories compared with 24 per cent positive in the tabloid press. The most popular subjects were: Knife Crime Education, gangs Social exclusion and crime
Young people’s participation though journalism Source: Young Researcher Network (YRN) through NYA, 2008 In 2006 The British Youth Council surveyed year olds: 98% felt that the media always, often or sometimes represents them as anti social. 4 out of 5 thought that the media represents them as a group to be feared. The respondents felt that this might cause older people to be scared of them, and may alienate young people causing more anti social behaviour. They though that the media represented the majority of them based upon the behaviour of the minority.
Young people’s participation though journalism Fewer than 1 in 10 articles about young people actually quote a young person or included their perspective on the issue/story. (Echo 2009)
Young people’s participation though journalism Bad news sells. If its bad news then its newsworthy. The public become more aware of particular issues (e.g. knife crime) and want more stories that cover those issues. The press publish more, creating more awareness, creating a ‘thirst’ amongst the public for negative press. YP are then arguably becoming commercialised, as they are being portrayed in particular ways that attract readers – they are being used by the media to sell products.
Young people’s participation though journalism Key Points The media produces more negative stories than positive The media focuses on minority groups Bad news sells Journalists are under pressure to cover negative stories Negative media coverage can have a negative affect on young people’s lives
Young people’s participation though journalism We need to: Encourage the media to consider a balance of positive and negative stories about young people Encourage young people to get involved in the media.
Young people’s participation though journalism Design a journalism project for YP: How would it improve the representation of YP? What are the barriers/difficulties? How will you overcome them? Who is the audience?
Young people’s participation though journalism My journalism work with YP always starts with the aims that they are hoping to achieve: Changing people’s perspectives on YP Representing YP positively Giving YP a voice Explore issues Give advice Explain YP’s circumstances Promote activities and events to YP Write ‘with’ YP rather than ‘about’ YP