Growing Schools | REGIONAL STRATEGIC PARTNERSHIP CONFERENCE Martha CritchlowJake Reynolds
Growing Schools | EDUCATION OUTSIDE THE CLASSROOM MANIFESTO Shared vision and strategy for delivery and development of Education Outside the Classroom Statement of common intent to help align currently disparate activity Guide for public, private and voluntary sector commitment Benchmark to help DfES assess its work and monitor progress Call on the wider community sectors to join in enriching the lives of school children
Growing Schools | “Education for sustainable development is a life-wide and lifelong endeavour which challenges individuals, institutions, and societies to view tomorrow as a day that belongs to all of us.” UN Decade of Education for Sustainable Development Strategy THE BROADER PICTURE
Growing Schools | “Every school should [also] be an environmentally sustainable school, with a good plan for school transport that encourages walking or cycling, an active recycling policy (moving from paper to electronic processes wherever possible) and a school garden or other opportunities for children to explore the natural world. Schools must teach our children by example as well as by instruction.” DfES Five Year Strategy for Children and Learners, 2004 THE BROADER PICTURE
Growing Schools | “Sustainable development principles must lie at the core of the education system, such that schools, colleges and universities become showcases of sustainable development among the communities that they serve.” Securing the Future, the UK Sustainable Development Strategy, 2005 THE BROADER PICTURE
Growing Schools | “Identify effective mechanisms to enable the establishment of a sustainable development partnership support framework at local and regional levels” (1.5) “Implement communications programme linked to specific SD events/themes” (1.5) “Identify sustainable development advisory and facilitative NGOs to promote good practice and disseminate information to appropriate sectors” (1.5) “We will make effective links between education and sustainable development to build capacity within local communities” (4) “Identify mechanisms that link education with other local fora and in particular the opportunities created by LSPs and Local Agenda 21 to join up learning and local networks” (4.1) “With the support of GOs, LEAs, schools, colleges and related units will be encouraged to build on existing SD activity and play an active part in their communities” (4.1) “Create new mechanisms for supporting ESD at local level” (4.2) RECAP ON CURRENT COMMITMENTS (2003)
Growing Schools | SDAP was not communicated well Context for working with schools has changed: –the new relationship –need to embed in existing programmes –need to ‘sell’ the benefits IN PRACTICE …
Growing Schools | Current focus: Every Child Matters Extended schools Head teacher standards Broader context: Children’s well-being Partnership working Safer, stronger, greener communities Current focus: National Curriculum aims Statutory provision Out-of-classroom manifesto Broader context: Enrichment Inclusion Personalisation Curriculum Campus Community Current focus: Food improvement Travel planning Healthy Schools Standard BREEAM building standard Broader context: Healthy living Operational efficiency CHILD EMBEDDING IN EXISTING PROGRAMMES
Growing Schools | Be healthy Reconnects pupils to food supply / nature Focus on local, fresh, healthy food Promote walking, cycling, outdoor play Stay safe Respect for the local environment and community Positive behaviour in and outside school Enjoy and achieve Practical learning, relevant to pupils’ lives Confidence via achievement outside classroom Make a positive contribution Contribute to safer, stronger, greener communities Sense of place / belonging for all Achieve economic well-being Functional and organisational skills Eco-innovation and social enterprise Link local action to global trends / opportunities ECM EXAMPLE
Growing Schools | Sustainable schools: –motivate pupils and staff –save money –have excellent community ties –prepare young people for an uncertain future SELLING THE BENEFITS
Growing Schools | EOC fundamental part of achieving ESD Skills of sustainable living best acquired while studying real issues in real settings Engaging, motivating and confidence building for all abilities – counterweight to classroom study Can help to re-include difficult pupils, and improve attainment / behaviour Staff interested too, but lack confidence and support CONNECTING ESD AND EOC
Growing Schools | The Department recognises that: –a common vision is needed –schools will need help to grasp the opportunity –roles of key actors need to be clarified in light of new relationship UPDATE FROM DFES
Growing Schools | Local well-being Energy and water Food and drink Travel and Traffic Buildings and grounds Purchasing and waste Inclusion and participation Global citizenship DOORWAYS
Growing Schools | Revised SD Action Plan (2005) Sustainable Schools consultation –vision, strategy, expectations, roles Sustainable schools web site –advice, links, tools Self-assessment / action planning tool COMING UP
Growing Schools | A new SDAP is being prepared There are compelling reasons to take ESD/EOC forward Given this: –Are we clear about the regional role? –Are we embedding EOC/ESD inside core programmes? –Are we sharing good practice? –Are we tapping in to regional resources? WHERE NEXT IN THE REGIONS?
Growing Schools |