Review of Current Conditions Report and Work Plan for Area 1 Presented by The Great Plains/Rocky Mountain Technical Outreach Services for Communities
Report Organization n 1. Introduction n 2. Current Conditions n 3. Facility Dismantling Procedures n 4. Assessment Locations n 5. Soil Boring and Monitoring Well Installation Procedures n 6. Soil and Stream Sediment Field Screening and Sample Collection and Handling Procedures n 7. Groundwater Monitoring Well Development and Sampling Procedures and Surface Water Sampling Procedures n 8. Determination of Remediation Objectives n 9. Soil Remediation Procedures n 10. Documentation and Reporting n 11. Selected References
Introduction n Area 1 is about 14 acres, 2 miles long, 60 feet wide n goal of process is to obtain a No Further Remediation (NFR) letter from IEPA n Area 1 is to be a bicycle trail –plan to remediate soil as necessary –and/or install an engineered barrier –groundwater remediation if necessary would occur while Area 1 is in use
Current Conditions n Area 1 includes –underground concrete and piping from several buildings that need to be removed –a septic tank and piping from office building to ditch on Eastern plant boundary n no recorded spills within Area 1 boundaries n groundwater less than 10 feet below surface, flow is 0.05 to 0.57 feet per year
Current Conditions n no SWMUs in Area 1 n storm water drainage is to the North and South Stormwater Ponds n Area 1 crosses 5 wetland areas
Preliminary soil assessment (Feb 2000) n 62 samples from 23 borings n Appendix B tables— organic chemicals –Tier I remediation objectives exceeded »benzene at 2 to 4 feet in two locations (BC-4 and BC-10) »benzo(a)pyrene at 0 to 2 feet in two locations (BC- 12 and BC-22) »benzo(a)fluoranthene and benzo(a)anthracene also at BC-12
Preliminary soil assessment (Feb 2000) n Appendix B tables— organic chemicals –benzo(a)pyrene at 0 to 2 feet in two locations (BC-12 and BC-22) »the detection limit for this chemical is greater than the calculated soil remediation objective by about 4 times. –There appear to be no Tier I remediation objectives for 1-methylnaphthalene, 2-methylnaphthalene and phenanthrene »will Tier II calculations be required by IEPA?
Preliminary soil assessment (Feb 2000) n Appendix B tables— inorganic chemicals –beryllium in 48 of 62 samples –arsenic in 61 of 62 samples »It appears that this is a natural occurrence of these metals. The average amounts are similar to reported values for Will county.
Environmental Audit (July 1990) Appendix H n 2 sampling locations overlap Area 1 (F3 and F4) n toluene, trichloroethylene, and “oil and grease” were detected
Facility Dismantling Procedures n fluids will be removed from pipes with vacuum trucks and burned for energy recovery n water in pipes or structures will be tested and released, treated or shipped offsite, as appropriate n a cross section of Area 1 will be trenched to search for unknown structures n geophysical surveying will be used to identify unknown structures
Future Assessment Plans n at least one soil sample from under each structure in Area, except lunch room and gate house n at least one soil sample for every 250 feet along length of Area 1 n up to 3 monitoring wells will be installed in Area 1 n upstream and downstream surface water and sediment will be sampled for each stream crossing Area 1
Remediation Objectives n If Tier I remediation objectives are exceeded, –soil or groundwater will be cleaned up –an engineered barrier will be used, or –a Tier 2 evaluation will be done.
Remediation procedures n Petroleum impacted soil will be removed immediately when found –stops ongoing migration of contaminants to surrounding soil and groundwater –sidewalls and bottom of excavation will be sampled and tested for remaining contamination
Documentation and Reporting n maps showing location of former piping and structures n summary of assessment and cleanup procedures n figures and tables showing sample locations, where soil was removed, screening and laboratory results n laboratory reports n description of procedures followed n summary of management and final disposal of contaminated soil