By: Thomas and Keith
Renewable-A resource that can be renewed over a period of time. Non Renewable- A resource that cant be renewed or takes billions of years Natural Resources- Is any natural substance, organism, or living things use. Recycling- Is the process by which used or discarded materials are treated for reuse. Energy Resource- Are natural resources that humans use to reduce energy. Fossil Fuel- Are non renewable energy resources that form in earths crust over millions of years. Petroleum- Or crude oil, is an oily mixture of flammable organic compounds from which liquid fossil fuels and other products.
Natural Gases- Gaseous fossil fuels Coal- Is a solid fossil fuel formed underground buried, Decomposed plants material. Strip Mining- Is a process in which rock and soil are stripped from earths surface to expose the underlying materials to be mined.
Renewable resources are resources that can be renewed. Although many are renewable, humans often use them more quickly than we can recycle them. Examples: Trees, water, air.
Is any natural substances, organism, or energy that living things use. Few natural resources are used in their unaltered state.
Are nonrenewable energy resources that form in the earths crust. Fossil fuels can cause a great deal of pollution.