McCreary Centre Society Adolescent Health Survey III: 2003 results in preparation for 2008 AHS IV A brief summary of results for the East Kootenay Region
McCreary Centre Society The Purpose of Regional Reports To recognize health promotion and prevention efforts that are working well To identify issues on which more effort is needed to improve youth health
McCreary Centre Society East Kootenay Region Located in the Kootenay Geographic Area (used for identifying trends) Includes school districts: # 5 Southeast Kootenay # 6 Rocky Mountain # 8 Kootenay Lake All school districts participated in the survey
McCreary Centre Society Kootenay Region Map
McCreary Centre Society Encouraging Trends in the Kootenay Geographic Area Trying alcohol Current smokers Exposed to tobacco smoke in home on a daily basis Having sex before age 14 Injuries Physical fights Sexual abuse Discrimination due to physical appearance Birth control use Condom use Drinking & driving
McCreary Centre Society Challenges in the Kootenay Geographic Area Feeling safe at school Expect to attend post- secondary school Exercise 3+ days a week Experiences of racial discrimination Frequent marijuana use in past month Binge drinking in past month Report health as “excellent” Being overweight
McCreary Centre Society Family Background 74% European 9% Aboriginal 16% of Aboriginal students who have ever lived on reserve 68% Live with both parents
McCreary Centre Society Physical Health Status 86% reported excellent or good health Boys were more likely than girls to rate health as excellent 12% have chronic health condition or disability which limits activity
McCreary Centre Society Physical Health: Appearance & Weight BoysGirls Not satisfied with appearance 11%25% Satisfied with appearance 61%43% Overweight 21%16% Trying to lose weight 19%57%
Hours Spent in Front of a Screen on School Day
McCreary Centre Society 48% always eat breakfast on a school day Eating breakfast declines with age 10% of females reported ever purging Most youth exercise 3 or more days a week Healthy Eating & Exercise
McCreary Centre Society Injuries 43% had an injury requiring medical attention Of those injured in the past year: 50% injured during sport or recreation activities 15% were injured bike riding, roller-blading, or skateboarding Students 15 and 16 were more likely to experience injury requiring medical attention
McCreary Centre Society Substance Use: Tobacco Non- Smoker Experimental Smoker Current Smoker East Kootenay Region %25%12% BC %19%7% Kootenay Area %24%10% Kootenay Area %33%17%
McCreary Centre Society Substance Use: Alcohol East Kootenay BC Ever had a drink of alcohol69%57% Used alcohol 100+ days in life15%10% Binge drinking on 3+ days in past month 19%11%
McCreary Centre Society Substance Use: Marijuana 50% of youth in the East Kootenay Region have ever used marijuana (37% in BC) Girls more likely than boys to use between the age of 15 and 16 8% said they had used marijuana 20 or more times in the past month
McCreary Centre Society Youth are waiting longer to have sex 33% of youth in this region have ever had sexual intercourse (24% in BC) 21% of sexually active youth in this region first had intercourse before age 14 (20% in BC) Sexual Behaviour
Sexual Behaviour: Birth Control Used Last Time Had Sex
McCreary Centre Society 71% of sexually active students in the region used a condom the last time they had sex 40% report having 3 or more sexual partners in their lifetime 35% used alcohol or drugs the last time they had sex Sexual Behaviour: Risk of STDs
Sexual Harassment in Past Year
McCreary Centre Society Emotional Health 19% of youth have ever been physically abused (no change in Kootenay area since 1998) 9% experienced serious emotional distress in the past month 18% of females have ever been sexually abused 29% have been discriminated against due to skin colour, sexual orientation or physical appearance
McCreary Centre Society Emotional Health: Suicide Suicidal thoughts and attempts have not declined in BC youth since 1992 More females than males report seriously considering suicide in the past year 13% of females have reported attempting suicide (males are more likely to die in an attempt)
Harassment, Exclusion, & Assault by Another Youth at School in Past Year
McCreary Centre Society Violence and Safety Feeling safe at home, school, and in the community is associated with better physical and emotional health, and taking fewer risks Sense of safety at school was highest in grades 7 and 12 From 1992 to 2003, rate of involvement in 1 or more physical fight in the past year in the Kootenay Geographic area decreased by 10% in boys and 5% in girls
Always Feel Safe at School by Grade
McCreary Centre Society Always or Usually Feel Safe at School in… Library82% Classroom79% Cafeteria72% Washrooms66% Hallways60% Outside on school property during school hours 56%
McCreary Centre Society 8% of boys and 27% of girls have encountered a stranger over the internet who made them feel unsafe Safety
McCreary Centre Society Safety BoysGirls Driving after using alcohol in last month 21%17% Never drink and drive 58%60% Always wear a seatbelt 45%48% Always wear a bike helmet 25%24%
McCreary Centre Society Help Seeking Youth sought help from: Sought help Found Helpful School staff 30%78% Health professional 28%90% Social worker, youth worker, counselor 14%71% Religious leader 11%78%
McCreary Centre Society Community and Leisure 50% of students had a paid, part-time job 41% of students 17 years and older work 5-19 hours per week 44% have less than $25 weekly to spend on themselves 53% of youth have gambled in the past year
McCreary Centre Society Healthy Youth Development School Family Community A strong sense of connection with these factors has shown to promote health and reduce risk- taking:
McCreary Centre Society School The post-secondary education aspirations of both boys and girls fluctuate from grade 7 to 12 70% have post-secondary educational aspirations 60% never skipped school 25% skipped once or twice 12% skipped 3-10 times 3% skipped 11+ times Students highly connected to school are less likely to engage in risky behaviours
School Connectedness & Risk Behaviours
Family Connectedness & Risk Behaviours
McCreary Centre Society Healthy Youth Development The majority of East Kootenay students felt they were “good” at something High self-esteem and optimism are associated with positive well-being
McCreary Centre Society Feeling safe at school Enjoying school Having aspirations for post-secondary education Having a parent or other adult to talk to about concerns Feeling they are good at something Being involved in extracurricular activities Volunteering in the community Healthy Youth Development is Associated With:
Healthy Youth Development: Volunteering
Healthy Youth Development: Weekly Extracurricular Activities
Healthy Youth Development: Religiosity/Spirituality
McCreary Centre Society Available at For More Information