The Conventions and the Campaign 3/19/2013
Clearly Stated Learning Objectives Identify and describe the formal and informal institutions involved in the electoral process Discuss the strengths and weaknesses of the presidential nominating system in the context of the 2012 election
Office Hours Today 11-2 Wednesday 10-2
The Three Periods of the Campaign The Summer The Conventions to the First Debate The Final Month
The National Convention Not much fun anymore
Why aren’t the conventions much “fun” anymore?
Making it Work Selection and Timing Of Speakers Timing of the Convention itself (backloading)
The Republican Convention Location Goal
Only 3 Days It was cut short for the second straight convention It still seemed like plenty of time
The Selection of Paul Ryan A rising star within the Party House Budget Chairman Advantages of the Ryan pick
The Dynamics of Paul Ryan Injected ideology into the race Tied Romney to the Ryan Budget Changed the Focus of the Race Impact?
Building the Romney Image Least Popular Nominee since 1988 Build a softer side He just couldn’t relate
The Eastwood Speech What they wantedwanted Left People Scratching their heads Overshadowed the Romney speech Excerpts
The Democratic Convention The Location The Goal
The Dump Biden Movement Dump him for HRC Why it doesn’t materialize 4 more years of Joe
The Clinton Speech Obama’s speech was not memorable The Clinton Speech Excepts
The Convention Today We Would Rather watch regular stuff We have other ways of getting updates The excitement just isnt there
The Decline in Decision-Making It doesn’t decide anything It reinforces rather than changes Swing Voters watch other things
Why We Still Need Conventions Enhance Candidate images Energize the Base Kick off the General election Campaign
The 2012 Bounce
The convention to the first debate
Mobilize the Base Swing State Field Operations/ micro targeting Fundraise Focus on the High Points of the past 4 yearsHigh Points
The Obama Electoral Strategy Follow the 2004 Bush playbook Kill Romney and Go Negative (problems) Give Obama the benefit of the Doubt
Let Romney kill himself
“The Obama organization did the single best job of destroying a candidate I have ever seen in my career, from May to September,” Peter Brown, Quinnipiac University
The Romney Strategy Run a lean campaign – Still broke – Doesn’t dip into personal funds Make it a referendum Focus on national issues, not personal charm
Bain Criticisms He could never find the right answer He couldn’t spin it positive He chose to ignore it and focus on Obama