In Summary the 5 major points that led to Confederation. 1.Changing attitude of Britain towards BNA. 2.Fear of invasion with regards to the American Civil War and the Fenian Raids 3.End of Free Trade with United States 4.Fear of annexation to the United States 5.Need to build a rail links joining the colonies
Charlottetown Conference - In August, 1864 Politicians met to discuss a union of the maritime provinces. Nova Scotia, New Brunswick and Prince Edward Island - In addition, they received a request from Politicians in Canada asking if they could join the discussions too and wanted to talk about an even wider union. Why? Stalemate and political deadlock in the Province of Canada. -Result of the conference? They set aside an idea of a Maritime union and agreed to meet with Canadians for further discussions
Quebec Conference on October The fathers of Confederation agreed that the union must be a strong one and must not be broken by any one province. - The central government must be more powerful in every way than the government of the provinces. - The delegates drew up the Seventy-two Resolutions - these resolutions provided a plan for the new partnership of the colonies and had to be accepted by the government of each colony..
Other Concerns —where would the money come from? —what powers would the PM have? —would there be 2 houses of parliament or would it be like the old system? —would there be an elected House of Commons to make laws? —would other colonies (ie: BC) be allowed to enter later?
Reactions to Confederation Proposals PEI – rejected proposal. NB- went back and forth but the end of US Free Trade along with the Fenian attacks convinced citizens to go with Confederation. Canada West(Ontario)- saw themselves playing a leadership role in the new country so they were largely in support. Canada East(Quebec)- would be less influencial but maintained control over their language rights, their religion and schools. Voted in favour of confederation Nova Scotia – voted in favour of Confederation. Fenian raids that took place in |NB scared their citizens NL – flatly rejected confederation at this point. Afraid of higher taxes
London Conference, 1866 BNA colonies could not join together until the British Parliament approved it. 16 delegates travelled to Britain to discuss confederation the BNA Act was introduced to British Parliament, they approved it and Queen Victoria signed the BNA Act on July 1 st, 1867 creating the Dominion of Canada which made her a self governing country.
Government of Canada Governor General would be Queen’s representative in Canada. House of Commons would have elected representatives from each of the provinces. Second house of appointed members was called the Senate Division of Powers Provincial governments were responsible for education, property rights, mines and forests, licensing of businesses, raising money from taxes Federal government would control trade, defence, foreign affairs, banks, shipping, fisheries and criminal law. Also could tax people. Could reject any law passed by the provinces Federal government took over the debts of the provinces. Took over most of provinces sources of income, such as custom duties. Each province given a yearly sum of money based solely on population.