Book Award Presentation (8 th grade) MLI 5040 Sarah Benton
Dr. Carter G. Woodson Historian and educator Received Ph.D. from Harvard University Wrote books about African Americans in the United States for adults and young readers, such as The Miseducation of the Negro. In 1926, originated “Negro History Week” during the 2 nd week of February, which later became “Black History Month”.
The Carter G. Woodson Book Award was established in 1974 by the National Council for Social Studies (NCSS). The mission of the NCSS is to provide leadership, service, and support for all social studies educators. The Carter G. Woodson Book Award is for the most distinguished social science books appropriate for young readers that depict ethnicity in the United States. At the time, authors and publishers of books relating to racial and ethnic minorities rarely received the recognition that their efforts merited.
The purpose of the award is to encourage the writing, publishing, and dissemination of outstanding social science books for young readers that treat topics related to ethnic minorities and relations sensitively and accurately. The establishment of the award was a result of the effort of the 1973 NCSS Racism and Social Justice Committee which focuses on the educational needs of minority students, under the chairmanship of Dr. James A. Banks, University of Washington, Seattle.
A nominated book must have five key traits: 1.Respect for ethnic and racial differences. 2.Focus on individuals and issues that provide a look into the experiences of ethnic groups. 3.Focus on the interactions among racial/ethnic groups. 4.Avoids portraying the group(s) as "problem oriented"; positive balanced with negative. 5.Avoids distorting and stereotyping in text and illustrations. Selection Process: Publishers provide a copy of the book nominated to the Carter G. Woodson Book Award committee, made up of 14 to 20 members. The book must be set in the United States, as well as published in the United States (but the author does not have to be from the United States). Three books receive the award (elementary K-6, middle 5-8, and secondary 7-12 levels). Other outstanding books receive the honor award.
2012 Middle Winner Biography about composer Leonard Bernstein Tells about the life of a young man who overcame adversity to achieve his dreams! Book includes photographs and a discography of videos.
Refuse to give something requested or desired to someone Keep someone from proceeding; hold back Expel a foreigner from a country, typically on the grounds of illegal status or for having committed a crime 2010 Secondary Winner
2011 Elementary Winner Click here Click here to listen to the author, Andrea Davis Pinkney, talk about this book!
REFERENCES About the National Council for the Social Studies. Retrieved from Sit-In: How Four Friends Stood Up By Sitting Down. Retrieved from Carter G. Woodson Book Award. National Council for the Social Studies. Retrieved from Carter G. Woodson Book Award Winners. National Council for the Social Studies. Retrieved from Images from Book details from