Environmental Visualization Program (EVP): Summary of Capabilities NOAA/NESDIS/ORA Dan Pisut EVP Manager (IMSG)
EVP Background Started in 1999, the EVP has produced high quality visualizations for a variety of clients including: NOAA and NESDIS Headquarters Media outlets (television, print, internet) Publications (magazines, books, reports) Educational and commercial requestors
Graphic Design Page layout Image design and manipulation Satellite Visualizations Geo-referenced imagery 3-D rendering Enhanced time series animations Video and Sound Production EVP Capabilities
The EVP graphic designers have produced professional and visually stimulating layouts for NOAA and NESDIS annual reports, budgets, and other releases. EVP Products – Graphic Design
EVP: The media’s source for hurricane imagery
Program Goals Develop a strategic Media Plan Increased variety of products Bi-weekly media release of NOAA material Improve the EVP website Promoting environmental literacy More complex visualization methods Develop client-base with exhibitors
Diversifying our products More informative hurricane animations Remote sensing Global and regional scales Layers of information
The EVP is one of two major production studios for the Ocean Hall for still images, animations, and the Science on a Sphere exhibit EVP Products – Smithsonian Ocean Hall
Increased use of NOAA research Enhance visual appeal and understanding for media use Animated time-series Incorporating ORA Research
Satellite resolution vs. image resolution…they’re not the same! NOAA needs greater exposure, but also high quality exposure. We need to being considering outreach when developing and outputting models. Increasing NOAA’s exposure to the public Image from Coral Watch website Satellite technology constrains on scale EVP enhanced global imagery
Air Date: 4/16/2006 Enhanced Version Contours instead of pixels Smoothing between boundaries
Cooperation Communication Conceptualization Proper Imagery –Highest resolution possible (dimensions and dpi) –“Clean images” –Correct file types (geo-tif, png, jpg, bmp) Updates What we need from you… Aired 5/16/2006 Accumulated rainfall animation: May floods in New England NESDIS/ORA research product
Bob KuligowskiMonday 9 am: contact Bob Kuligowski Bob modifies images to suit our needs GrADS ‘gxout’ output ‘shaded’ instead of ‘grfill’ Command: ‘gxpng’ increases spatial res. Map background, color scale, annotation removed FTP and/or WinZip files for delivery EVP process images by 5pm –Resize hi-res map to fit data map –Overlay images in Adobe AfterEffects –Adjust frame-rate, zooms, codecs, etc. Tuesday am: process image updates –Two hours to update previous animation Release to Public Affairs, airs at 6pm Case Study: New England floods 3400 x 4400 pixels
Novel hurricane animations African drought time-series 3D models of satellite orbits Continued HAB updates Aerosol and ozone animations Polar imagery Current Projects Horn of Africa drought New hurricane forecast model Satellite animations La Niña
Questions? Colorized IR imagery of Hurricane Katrina that has been distributed to the National Hurricane Center, PBS, and NBC