1.Кам'янець 2.Києво-Печерська лавра 3.Софіївка 4. Софія Київська 5. Херсонес 6. Хотинський замок 7. Хортиця
Kamyanets-Podilsky (Кам’янець- Подільський замок) Kamenets Kamenets - misto that has kept the spirit of the Middle Ages. Old Fort - the card Kamenetz- Podolsk, his character.
Kyiv-Pechersk Lavra(Києво- Печарська Лавра) Kiev - Pechersk Lavra On the high hills of the right bank of the Dnieper settled Lavra, majestically crowned with golden domes. The cradle of monasticism in Russia and the strength of the Orthodox faith.
Sofiyivka(Софіївка) Dendrological Park "Sofiyivka" National arboretum greatest creations of the world of landscape architecture of the late eighteenth - early nineteenth century. Monument City Planning and Architecture Ukraine
St. Sophia’s Cathedral Kyiv (Собор Софії Київської) Sophia Cathedral St. Sophia Cathedral - the world famous monument of architecture and monumental painting of the eleventh century builder of St Sophia chroniclers called the Grand Prince Yaroslav the Wise
Chersonesus, Sebastopol (Херсонес, Севастополь) Chersonese This city - state was founded over 2500 thousand years ago in southwest Crimea and is part of the history of ancient Greece, ancient Rome and Byzantium... Today its ruins - one of the greatest monuments of Sevastopol
Khotyn Fortress (Хотинська Фортеця) Historical - Architectural Reserve "Khotyn fortress" Hawtin - one of the oldest cities in Ukraine, which recently celebrated its 1000th anniversary. At the beginning of XI century. Kyiv Prince Volodymyr the Great established a system of border forts in the west and south of the state, including Hawtin.
Khortytsia Island (Острів Хортиця) Isle of Khortytsya Khortytsya - the island of beautiful, scenic. The brightest pages of history associated with the island of Khortytsya Zaporozhye Cossacks. Island famous poets, artists, historians and ethnographers.