Are you prepared for Millennials and beyond ….? a perspective from higher education Janet Staker Woerner Associate Professor Herzing University
Conversation Where we are? How to prepare? Where we are going? Woerner Herzing
Context Global Human Capital Economic Future of US New Economic Models Real Time Communication Richard Florida – Creative Class
Learning Organization Complex System Peter Senge-The Learning Organization Talented Individuals realizing their own potential Role or organization Variety and inclusiveness Redefining Growth Triple Bottom Line People.Profit.Planet Social and Economic Divide Woerner Herzing
And one other factor…. Woerner Herzing
Pew Institute Generation Name Birth Years In 2010 & of total adult population * & of internet-using population MillennialBorn Ages Gen XBorn Younger BoomersBorn Ages Older BoomersBorn Ages Silent GenerationBorn Ages G.I. GenerationBorn 1936, Age * Source: Pew Research Center's Internet & American Life Project, April 29-May 30, 2010 Tracking Survey. N=2,252 adults 18 and older.
Millennials- Fast Facts Diverse Achievement orientated Conventional Not afraid of failure Virtual Sense of Social Responsibility Impatient Active/hands-on learners/multi taskers Challenge authority Spending power exceeds $200 billion Independent Strong views Programmed and team oriented. Stressed. Compared with five years ago, 81% of college mental health service directors reported an increase in students with serious psychological problems.. Howe and Strauss- Generational Learning Styles Julie Coates 2007 Woerner Herzing
Reality in Education today On average across Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) countries, the proportion of people with at least an upper secondary education has risen from 45% to 81%. OECD (2011), Education at Glance 2011: OECD Indicators, OECD Publishing. 92% of ages use online video – students expect to be entertained Education is one of the strongest predictors of having more close social ties. Those with a 4-year university degree average 12% more close ties than those with only a high school diploma Pew Institute HERI (Higher Education Research Institute) 2007 data show: The top 5 life goals for college-bound students have not changed much over the year Woerner Herzing
So……… Woerner Herzing
Generation Z Google Images
Generation Z Woerner Herzing
The Challenge Experiential learning opportunities Learning communities –informal learning Expectations shared up-front Feedback Utilization of their talents. Systems approach to problems. Flexibility for creativity Multiple options for performance Plan focus time in short segments Technology open classroom Generational Learning –Julie Coates 2007 Woerner Herzing
New Ways to Learn Woerner Herzing
Needed Skills for today and the future… Education Social Networking Literacy on a Holistic Scale Foresight and Insight Innovation Leadership Life Long Learning Florida, R. Rise of Creative Class Woerner Herzing
Peter Drucker “ We must now accept the fact that learning is a lifelong process of keeping abreast of change. And the most pressing task is to teach people how to learn.” American management guru ( ) Woerner Herzing
Thank you Questions Contact me at: Janet Staker Woerner Woerner Herzing