Solar System Introduction Introduction Task Process Evaluation Conclusion Credits Hello students! This week you all will become junior astronauts learning about the solar system. If you except this mission you will need to be creative, willing to work with others and ready to make new discoveries each day. Have fun!!!!!!!
Task Along with astronaut Bill you will be discovering the solar system this week along with a partner. Each day you will discover two planets within the solar system, then chart your finding each day. Be creative and have fun learning. You will be able to identify the planets and their distance from the sun. You will be able to identify how the planets rotate around the sun. You will be able to identify the planets from the smallest to the largest. You will use this information to create solar system mobile in your art class. We will began our mission in the following order: Day 1: Explore Sun and Earth Day 2: Explore Mercury and Venus Day 3: Explore Mars and Jupiter Day 4: Explore Saturn and Uranus Day 5: Explore Neptune
Process You will work along with a partner to orbit around the planets. I will assign web site to help you find information about the planets as you visit them. Remember to chart your findings after you visit each planet on the worksheet that is provided by the teacher. If you have any questions, please raise your hand and ask to project manager. (teacher) Ok Are You Ready!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! BLAST OFF
Let’s Begin Our Journey Day 1-Put your name on your chart along with your partner. Today we will explore the Earth and the sun. Did you know that all the planets rotate around the sun….. Day 2- Today we will going into outer space to explore Mercury and Venus. These two planets are considered inner planets…… Day 3- Let’s explore Mars nick-named “red planet” and Jupiter nicknamed a “Gas planet”. Let discover the meaning of the nick-names. Day 4 We are almost done.Today we will be discovering Saturn and Uranus both planets are gas giants…. Day 5 Last two! Neptune and why was Pluto changed to a dwarf planet
Websites Day 1Sun _system_level1/sun.htmlttp:// _system_level1/sun.html Earth samoset/earth.htm Day 2 Mercury moset/gr1mercury.htm Venus samoset/gr1venus.htm Day 3 Mars Marshttp:// Marshttp:// ry/samoset/gr1mars.htmhttp:// ry/samoset/gr1mars.htm Jupiter m m
Day 4 Saturn et/psgk3sat.htm Uranus oset/psgk3ur.htm Day 5 Neptune et/psgk3nep.htm Pluto
Other Sources Video ence-space-kids/solar-system-101-kids.html ence-space-kids/solar-system-101-kids.html e=relatedhttp:// e=related Games
Please click the link below to view your rubric. The teacher will give each group a copy after the mission has been completed. Complete the solar system excel spreads worksheet and give copy to teacher. MyRubric (1).xls solar system excel.xls Evaluation
Conclusion We had a awesome week orbiting around the solar system and I hope you all have learned a lot. Most importantly, I hope you have enjoyed learning this week. As a group we will discuss our findings as we orbited around the solar system. As you prepare to share what you have learned, please think about the following questions: What was you favorite part of the lesson? Did you enjoy working with your partner? Did you learn anything new that surprised you? Which planet did you enjoy learning about? You will be completing a solar system mobile with the art teacher next week. Please click on the link below to get a look at solar system mobiles,but feel free to design your own and be creative with it. /
Credits Websites National Geographic Science kids.html You Tube Astronomy for Kids NASA The Planet of Solar Systems for Kids Videos