By : Rory O’Neill
This trip is planed for 2 people. it will be a total of 5 days and 3 nights. From Toronto to Awenda it’s a 184km drive ( 2 and a half hours ) It will take place in July,2013 ( spring ) This trip is not a portage, we will be camping in one spot for 3 nights, and hike different trails in the park each day.
Bluff trail – 13km ( 3.5 h ) : moderate Wendat trail – 5 km ( 2 h ) : easy Beach trail – 4 km ( 1.5 h ) : easy Brule trail – 4 km ( 1.5 h ) : easy Dunes trail – 3 km ( 1 hour ) : easy Beaver pond trail – 1 km ( 30 mins ) : easy Nipissing tail – 1 km ( 30 mins ) : moderate
Tent Bag 1x tent ( 2 man ) 2x sleeping bag 1x tarp 2x sleeping mat 2x pillow Dry Bag Clothing Water bottle Hat Sunglasses Bug spray / sunscreen Rain gear Phone / camera / GPS Cooking supply's Bag Pot Pan Soap Paper towel Rag A grill Cutlery Knife Cutting board Bucket Equipment Bag Rope First aid kit Hatchet / axe Matches / lighter Tarp