By: Mr. Cegielski. The Middle East: Did you know?….according to (from May 2009): 1) Pakistan seeks national support against Taliban The Pakistani.


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Presentation transcript:

By: Mr. Cegielski

The Middle East: Did you know?….according to (from May 2009): 1) Pakistan seeks national support against Taliban The Pakistani government convened a meeting on Monday of nearly all of the country's political parties, in an effort to consolidate broad national support for its military operation to crush Taliban militants in Pakistan's northwestern Swat Valley.Pakistan seeks national support against Taliban 2) Bomber kills 7 near U.S. base in Afghanistan A car bomber targeted a U.S. base in eastern Afghanistan, killing seven people Wednesday, a day after Taliban militants attacked many locations in the city of Khost, U.S. military officials said.Bomber kills 7 near U.S. base in Afghanistan 3) Baghdad car bombings over 4 hours kill 48 Six car bombings in four hours killed 48 people and wounded 81 in various Baghdad neighborhoods Wednesday, according to Iraq's Interior Ministry.Baghdad car bombings over 4 hours kill 48 4) Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu met in President Obama what might be a new chapter in the 60-year relationship between Israel and the United States. 5) Report: Iran could have enough material for nuke in months A U.S. Senate report released Thursday says some experts predict Iran couldhave enough material for a nuclear bomb in six months.Report: Iran could have enough material for nuke in months

Conduct a News Conference on Conflicts in the Middle East DIRECTIONS: In this 70-point FINAL project, you will work in groups of 3-4 in order to research, write and perform/film a news report skit in front of the class! Your skit must be at least two pages long and be conducted like a special news report on television, featuring appropriate pictures and information on PowerPoint or film about your topic. YOUR GOAL IS TO INFORM THE AUDIENCE (US), IN AN EXCITING WAY, OF THE FOLLOWING: –1) Causes of the conflict (10 points) –2) Major events and people of the conflict (10 points) –3) Whether a resolution was reached. (10 points) ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTS--Your PowerPoint or Film for your news report should also include: –1) An appropriate background or scenery to perform in front of (10 points) –2) A map, showing the conflict (10 points) –3) Pictures, showing major people and events of the conflict (10 points) –4) Important documents such as peace treaties or resolutions (10 points). The topics for news reports include: –1. The current conflict between Jews and Muslim Arabs (Palestinians) in Israel. Q. How has terrorism (conducted by the PLO) affected life in Israel? Which group should rightfully control Israel? 2. The current war in Iraq. Q. What kinds of conflict and challenges does the U.S. military face there, and how is the new democratic government doing? 3. The current war in Afghanistan. Q. How is the U.S. military doing in the current war against the Talaban terrorists? How is the new Afghanistan government doing? 4. The current tensions between Iran, which has plans to become a nuclear power and may have connection to terrorist groups, and the U.S. Q. Should the U.S. attempt to negotiate with Iran to prevent possible armed conflict? 5. Pakistan and the Talaban. Are the Talaban currently hiding in Pakistan and does the Pakastani government support or oppose them? Should the U.S. launch strikes against the Talaban there? 6. How can the U.S. prevent another “9/11”? What should the Department of Homeland security do to protect American citizens against terrorist threats? What should the Obama administration do?