1 Mpho Mathabathe: Researcher Portfolio Committee on Correctional Services 17 April 2013 Summary and Analysis of DCS budget and strategic plan (2013/14)
2 Introduction This presentation is intended to summarise and flag issues raised in the document presented to Members of Parliament. The presentation will touch on three key areas namely; National Development Plan; budget of DCS and the Annual Performance Plan for 2013/14.
National Development Plan Chapter 12 of the NDP is relevant to Correctional Services as it deals with building safer communities. A number of key priority areas are highlighted as road map to achieve the vision of NDP. Key priority area relevant to DCS is “Strengthening the criminal justice system” The plan recommends more coherent implementation and reporting of the Seven-Point Plan. Specific actions should include: Immediate alignment of all strategic plans in the Justice Crime Prevention and Security Cluster (JCPS) with the seven-point plan 3
National Development Plan (Cont..) The project manager appointed to the office of the Criminal Justice System Reform to coordinate the seven-point plan’s activities and programmes to ensure that the JCPS departments implement the seven-point plan in sinc Dedicated budget for each relevant department be established and outcome reported in relation to seven-point plan. Annual evaluation of implementation of the seven-point plan with assessment against overarching objectives. 4
National Development Plan (Cont..) Another key priority area relevant to DCS is “Build safety using an integrated approach” Recommendations relevant to DCS are: Protection of vulnerable groups and improving rehabilitation and reducing recidivism. Improving rehabilitation and reducing recidivism: recommendations include: Increased substance abuse treatment during imprisonment Increase education, training and skills programmes within correctional centres Community organisations should be capacitated to assist with reintegration after release ATD population must be decreased drastically Priority should be given to youth in prison, particularly in terms of restorative justice and diversion. 5
DCS budget in Context Justice, Crime Prevention and Security Cluster 2013/14 (R’000) % of Cluster Vote Correctional Services % Defence and Military Veterans % Independent Police Investigative Directorate % Justice and Constitutional Development % Police % Total for Cluster % Total National Budget
7 DCS Budget in Context (Cont..) DCS received R billion for 2013/14. This constitute 3% (1.8% in 2012/13) of total National Budget 13% (12% in 2012/13) of total allocation for JCPS cluster. Cluster received R billion (R billion in 2012/13) which is 24% of National Budget. DCS budget increased by R1.047 billion (5.52%) as compared to the 2012/13 budget. Between 2007/ /12 DCS was allocated a combined total of R69.7 billion and managed to spend R68 billion (98%) which means a combined total R1.5 billion could not be spend in five year period.
DCS Budget in Context (Cont..) There is visible increase in External audit costs from R29.5 million (2012/13) to R54.8 million (2013/14). Decrease in contractors from R417 million (2012/13) to R251 million (2013/14). Decrease in Agency and support/outsourced services from R401 million (2012/13) to R125 million (2013/14). Increase in Fleet services from R2.7 million (2012/13) to R37 million (2013/14). 8
9 Programme allocation (Administration) R billion allocated (R billion in 2012/13) for this programme. This is an increase of 13% as compared to 2012/13 allocation. This is the second largest programme in terms of budget allocation and it takes 28% of total DCS budget. Spending focus over the medium term will be on building capacity to improve service delivery, professionalising the department, and improving ICT service using international security standards.
Programme allocation (Administration Cont..) Spending trends Administration has seen a decrease in spending over the past two financial years from 94% (2010/11) to 89.9% (2011/12). Reasons for under spending include; lower than anticipated expenditure on vacancies which were not filled at the end of 2010/11; Service Level Agreement between DCS and SITA which was not signed. 10
2013/14 targets for Administration Programme Indicator2013/142012/132011/12Achieved or not in 2011/12 % of cases brought against DCS defended 80%No historical information Filling of vacancies 97% achieved Budget spending Under expenditure limited to a quarter of a voted fund 94.6% of voted fund spent 11
Administration Programme (Comments/Questions) The NDP stipulates that, each department in justice cluster should have a dedicated budget for implementation of the Seven Point Plan. The Department should indicate if whether a budget has been allocated for the Seven Point Plan. If yes, how much? And if no, why not? DCS should ensure that the budget is aligned with the priorities/recommendations of the NDP. DCS should ensure that they report on progress on all these issues in all subsequent annual reports. The Committee should enquire from DCS to what extent their Strategic Plan is aligned to the Seven Point Plan as outline in the NDP. 12
Programme allocation (Incarceration) R billion (R billion in 2012/13) allocated for this programme. This is an increase of 5.91% as compared to the 2012/13 allocation. This is the largest allocated programme in terms of the budget and it takes 53% of the total budget allocation. Spending over the medium term will focus on providing facilities that contributes to humane incarceration by reducing overcrowding, the number of escapes, assaults and unnatural death, and the period that remand detainees spend in remand detention facilities. 13
14 Programme allocation (Incarceration Cont..) Spending Trends Security and Facilities sub-programmes have experienced under spending while they were still stand-alone programmes. In 2011/12, security managed to spend 99.8% whereas facilities managed to spend 82.1% of the allocated budget.
2013/14 Targets for Incarceration Programme Indicator2013/142012/132011/12Achieved or not in 2011/12 Incidence of gang violence Reduced by 10% Review and implement gang management strategy Achieved Unnatural deaths0.027% (42)0.028% (44)0.03% (50)46 achieved Escapes0.032% (50)0.034%(54)0.036% (60)41 achieved Assaults2%2.2%2.48%3.30% not achieved Length of time in remand detention Reduced by 12 days (165) 177 days140 days96 days achieved Reduce overcrowding 30% or less32%36%35.95% achieved 15
Incarceration Programme (Comments/Questions) The Video Remand forms part of Seven-Point Plan approved by Cabinet in The budget and the APP do not speak to this. What are the other IJS/CJS Revamp ICT projects that the Department is involved in? What is the status report in terms of starting times of project, expenditure to date, expected date of completion, and budget for 2013/14? The Committee should request an update from DCS on the operational classification system for remand detainees. How much has been budgeted for inmates tracking system? 16
Programme allocation (Rehabilitation) R1 092 billion (R966 million in 2012/13) allocated for 2013/14. This is an increase of 13% as compared to 2012/13. This is the second lowest allocated programme and takes only 6% of the allocated budget. Spending focus over the medium term ensure that percentage of offenders eligible to participate in further education and training colleges is increased from 13% (in 2011/12) to 14.9% (in 2015/16). In addition, spending will facilitate provision of workshops for offender education and development of educators on latest policy and curriculum development within DoBE and DoHE. 17
2013/14 Targets for Rehabilitation Programme Indicator2013/142012/132011/12Achieved or not in 2011/12 Offenders with sentence plans completing Correctional programmes 60%30%53%239% achieved Increase offenders attending ABET 67.2%64%60.9%65.4% achieved Formal Education 1.4% 10.9%1.4% not achieved Skills training28.7%No specific target 18.92%10.52% not achieved FET college programmes 13.6%13.4%13.1%17.05% achieved 18
19 LESSONS FROM THE PAST There is a notable increase in Machinery and Equipment from R18 million (in 2012/13) to R45 million (in 2013/14 ). What informs this increase? An increase in stationery and printing from R13 million (in 2012/13) to R23 million (in 2013/14). What informs this increase? Can the Department brief the Committee about progress regarding Uniforms for Remand detainees and how much has been allocated for this project. The Department should also brief the Committee with regard to other provisions of the Act (Correctional Matters Amendment Act, 5 of 2011) which still need to be implemented and how are they accommodated in this budget. Rehabilitation Programme (Comments/Questions)
Rehabilitation programme (Comments/Questions) The NDP states that substance abuse treatment must be increased in correctional centres. What steps is the Department taking to give effect to this recommendation? The NDP also calls for the prioritisation of youth in prison. What steps will the Department be taking to ensure this group of offenders is targeted for all programmes to ensure rehabilitation and to reduce recidivism? DCS should be requested to update the Committee about progress in establishing the trading entity. What is the progress with regard to the number of centres registered as full-time schools? 20
Programme allocation (Care) R1 582 billion (R1 871 billion in 2012/13) allocated to this programme. This is a decrease of 15% as compared to 2012/13 allocation. Care programme only takes 8% of the total budget allocation. Spending focus over the medium term will be on providing personal hygiene and health services to inmates and improving treatment for mental illness. 21
2013/14 Targets for CARE programme Indicator2013/142012/132011/12Achieved or not in 2011/12 Inmates tested for HIV 50%45%23%42.5% Achieved HIV positive inmates on antiretroviral therapy 94%51%49%43% not achieved Inmates who are on TB treatment 75%9%8%5.45% not achieved 22
Care programme (Comments/Questions) DCS should be commended for paying attention to improving treatment for offenders with mental illness. Budget for Care programme has been reduced by 15% (as compared to 2012/13) despite the fact that there has been challenges regarding health care in DCS. JICS recorded a total of complaints regarding health care in 2011/12. In the same period, JICS conducted a survey and found that in 17 centres, no doctor visited the centre in 3 months period. In 2010/11 budget for this programme was also reduced by 5% (as compared to 2009/10). 23
24 Programme allocation (Social Reintegration) R801 million (R745 million in 2012/13) allocated to this programme. This is an increase of 7% as compared to 2012/13. Social Reintegration only takes 4% of the total DCS budget. Over the medium term, spending focus will be geared toward effective supervision of offenders under community corrections and facilitation of their social reintegration. Spending trends for this programme over the years has been good reaching 100% since 2009/10.
2013/14 Targets for Social Reintegration Programme Indicator2013/142012/132011/12Achieved or not in 2011/12 Parole cases in which victims make representation 4.43%3.32%2.22%2.1% not achieved % of parole cases submitted by CMC and considered by parole board 94%91%90%75.98% % of parole without violation 79.9%78.5%76.2%76.1% not achieved Victim Offender Dialogues 8Increase participation of offenders and victims No historical data 25
Social Reintegration program (Comments/Questions) An increase from R (in 2012/13) to R1.3 million (in 2013/14) is visible in catering under this programme. Can the Department enlighten the Committee about this increase. Another increase from R2000 (in 2012/13) to R2.3 million (in 2013/14) is visible in Agency and support/outsourced services in this programme. Can the Department also explain to the Committee this sharp increase. Allocation for Communication has been increased from R2 million (in 2012/13) to R9.9 million (in 2013/14). Can the Department explain to the Committee about this increase. 26
Social Reintegration programme (Comments/Questions Cont..) One of the recommendations from the NDP is that, community organisations should be capacitated to assist with reintegration. These organisations should be identified, vetted and resourced. How is the Department going to implement this recommendation? What is the Department’s plan with regard to addressing the issue of lack of transport for victims who want to attend parole hearings? Has the Department put in place comprehensive performance monitoring system for parole boards? 27
28 CONCLUSION It is expected that this budget and subsequent budgets will address recommendations from the National Development Plan. The Department should ensure that subsequent Strategic Plans are aligned with the Seven-Point Plan as recommended by the National Development Plan
Thank, You 29