1 Kaplan University AB140 Introduction to Management Welcome to Seminar 5!
2 This week’s seminar is about… Motivation!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! …and Leadership
3 Give me an “M” for MOTIVATION!
4 What does it mean to motivate, or what is motivation? Let’s start with a very basic question…
5 Motivation can be defined as: “The processes that account for an individual’s intensity, direction, and persistence of effort toward attaining a goal.”
6 What motivates you at work?
7 Ah… we are all motivated by different things. How do you motivate people?
8 What is the most effective motivational tool? Why do you think so?
9 There are many so-called motivators. What are some of the most important? How about where you work – any neat ones?
10 Why should a manager be well versed in the various motivation theories?
11 Is your manager well versed in the various motivation theories? :-)
12 What are some of the ways job design can be changed to motivate?
13 What is the difference between intrinsic and extrinsic motivation? Give us some examples.
14 To what degree is work motivation driven by basic needs and drives as opposed to outside forces and influences?
15 To what extent is “your” behavior and performance a function of intrinsic and extrinsic motivation? Explain.
16 What are the best strategies for creating, fostering, and maintaining high levels of intrinsic motivation in the workplace? What key factors tend to constrain or detract from peoples’ intrinsic motivation?
17 Who do you think is the best judge of what is and what is not a motivating factor for employees? Explain.
18 How might empowering employees with authority and responsibility affect their job performance?
19 How do different leadership styles motivate or demotivate?
20 Have you ever worked for someone who was a great motivator? Explain what makes you say so.
21 How about the opposite – have you ever worked for someone that just took the wind out of your sails? The great demotivator.
22 What do you think about the statement “Motivating employees starts with motivating yourself”. Agree – disagree? Why?
23 Are you a high achiever? How can you tell? How will this help or hinder your path to top management?
24 What role does motivation play in employee retention?
25 Always remember that supporting employee motivation is a process, not a task. Organizations and people change all the time. Motivation is an ongoing process that doesn’t just take care of itself.
26 Leadership
3 Types of Leadership Charismatic Leaders Transformational Leaders Transactional Leaders 27
28 Charismatic Leaders Leaders who are dominant, self- confident, convinced of the righteousness of his or her beliefs, and able to arouse a sense of excitement and adventure in followers.
29 Transformational Leaders Leaders who motivate people to transcend their personal interests for the good of the group.
30 Transactional Leaders Leaders who manage through their transactions, using their legitimate reward, and coercive powers to give commands and exchange rewards for services rendered.
That’s it! Questions? 31