Zeally Bay Sour Dough Bakery Put logo of bakery here Explain the purpose of the excursion briefly in your own words here
Explain John’s procedures at Zeally Bay Sourdough Bakery for his staff’s personal hygiene, include clothing, hand washing procedure. Explain in detail why these are important in a food business or in preparing food safely. Use your new food safety terminology where ever possible
Explain thoroughly using examples of the safety procedures with equipment, lifting at the bakery to keep staff safe. Use pictures off website to help here
Explain the cleaning procedures John has in place in the main bakery area? Who supervises this? What is their role? Why are these important? Explain using correct terminology What would he do if there was a contaminated batch of bread which was suspected from poor cleaning of equipment?
Bring in a picture of the bread slicing machine Outline the safety points John explained for using this. Why is important to train staff and record dates of staff training?
What did you learn at the bakery about storage of bags of flour? What did you learn about his storage of his other ingredients? How did John realise his rye grain was contaminated with a weed during the primary processing of the grain? Name how you would store correctly 2 core ingredient items from your paella dish
Explain how the bakery controls pests Why is this important Explain how a small specialist bakery business is easier to manage in terms of pests or other contaminations
Bring in a picture and use it to give an example of a way John ensures the quality of the bread is high and consistent.
Explain why it is important to have rubbish bins with lids, an organised and clean premises and good lighting in a workspace. Why is it important to have ventilation fans in the area where the ovens are baking the bread