June 2011 Team Meetings By Delores VandenBoogaard
Location: In your home is a great place to start! The space is important. Date: Consistency Book ________________________________
1.Recognition a.Sprinkled 2.Training and Testimonials a.Fresh Training Material b.Meeting Focus and TOPICS (16+ Suggestions)
3.Motivation a.In my previous Webinar I explained the “Feeling Wheel”. That certainly is the WHY behind having team meetings! It is important to stay in the “Excitement” faze of your business to propel yourself forward. Meetings HAVE to motivate. b.TIP to the Facilitator and attendees:
7:00 SHARP On Time Draw!! WELCOME – Those who show up… Go up!!! Recognition: - 7 questions and A DRAW
Encourage your team to attend the local meetings by Home Office Upcoming Conference Exciting Launch of Team Incentives Information from the Monthly Leaders Call – which only Leaders (Executives and up) are invited to attend monthly! – What’s new at Norwex! Theme meetings I always ask – who is booking 4 month in advance ___! Time for Q & A Creative Games
The 5 Questions: 1._______________ 2._______________ 3._______________ 4._______________ 5.________________
Product Training and Testimonies! i.Who has a product testimony they would like to share? ii.Who has something good to say about this product? iii.What do you say about this product at your show?
Adjourn with: i.What is your Action Plan? ii.What can you implement from tonight? iii.What is going to help your business? iv.What is one thing you learned tonight?
Go do something good for someone else!
Conference Calls: 1.Interact with your consultants 2.Topic night
Team Events for Community: 1.Have FUN together! 2.Not NORWEX related!
As a LEADER and facilitator, you are the filter. Filters have TWO functions: 1.Cleanse! 2.Or Contaminate!