Framework of Testimonials The Roll they play in any Meeting The Emcee is responsible to bring all testimonials on stage at the same time, shoulder to shoulder. (All LOI’s together) etc. They don’t leave the stage until everyone has finished their testimonial. (Keep distractions to a minimum) The Emcee never hands the microphone to the person giving the testimonial. He always retains control of the Microphone There are two kinds of testimonials (Regular & Leadership) At 30 seconds on regular testimonials the Emcee removes the mic regardless of whether the person is finished or not Regular testimonials first then the Leadership testimonial last One bad testimonial can ruin the event. Respect Crossline Be a Team Player – EVERY Event is game day. Play the Game!
Giving a Powerful Testimonial 1)Keep it short. 30 Seconds or less 2)Speak from your heart. Don’t Sell - Just Tell 3)Realize that someone in that audience will PERSONALLY relate to YOUR story 4)Realize that YOU can touch them and can be the catalyst to motivate them to change their life 5)Testimonials should be a part of EVERY Meeting
The Four Parts of a Testimonial 1)Your Name (Hi, I am Sue or My name is John) 2)Where you are from (from Tucson Arizona) 3)What your background is (teacher, construction worker, secretary, fireman, corporate exec or real estate agent) 4)What you enjoy most about Nu Skin (‘the opportunity to help people and change my financial circumstances’ or ‘the products have changed my life’ etc.)
Now Let’s Try It Through our new recognition we want to listen to the testimonials and see if you can do it in less than 30 seconds. (not sell, just tell and see if you can remember the 4 Key Parts of a testimonial.) Don’t try to out do the previous testimonial on their 4 th Point. This is where testimonials get longer and longer. Let’s all help each other to learn how to give a powerful testimonial Always be prepared and willing to give your testimonial in any Nu Skin setting
Leadership Testimonials Leadership Testimonials are different than Regular Testimonials They can last up to 60 Seconds They include the basic points of a regular testimonial but they go one step further: They promote the next Fast Start Training, Team Elite University and/or Success Olympics The Emcee is responsible to arrange Leadership Testimonials 75% are focused on the Next Event 25% always mention Success Olympics or Convention Leadership Testimonials are always the Last Testimonials Make sure you are a PROFESSIONAL