Things You Should Know, That No One Else Is Telling You Mark Hendricks (C) 2005 Mark Hendricks - All rights reserved
The ABCs of Your Success A A A | B B B | C C C C C C C C C C C
You are looking for WINNERS People who have positive attitudes and will be, or already are… WINNERS …with or without you.
Be known as a person who helps others rise up rather than puts people down. Be Positive
The Three Steps of Relationships 1 - know you 2 - like you 3 - trust you
Starting the Relationship “You’ve got to put wood in the fireplace before you get heat.”
Joint Ventures
A little known, yet very important Joint Venture secret... The ultimate goal of a joint venture is to benefit three parties: 1 - product/service provider (endorsee) 2 - list owner (endorser) 3 - their Customers!
The ABCs of Your Success (with real names this time) A A A | B B B | C C C C C C C C C C C
A – Ask and you will receive S – Seek and you will find K – Knock and the door will be opened to you Persistence Pays NEVER GIVE UP A.S.K.
Tell them what you will do Do it cheerfully Do a little more Promise and Over Deliver Integrity
The secret way every child learns naturally The success secret that is removed from you in school It lets you fail your way to success time and time again Testing The Success Secret That Every 3 Year Old Has Mastered and You May Have Forgotten
Prove all things; hold fast that which is good 1 Thessalonians 5:21 Did you know?… Testing is of “Biblical Proportion”
“Problems have solutions, they are made that way.” Mark Hendricks Problems and Solutions “Everything you have is because you decided to get it and took action toward that goal. What makes you think that what you are wanting now will come to you any differently?” Mark Hendricks
Decide to get it Take action with a Positive Attitude and Integrity Ask – Seek – Knock Testing – Fail Forward To Success Persistence – never give up You are already living proof this works How To Get Anything You Want
Would you like to get more leads and prospects coming to you who want to buy now? Would you like to know the psychological sales triggers to pull to get more profit results from your ads, sales letters and website? Would you like to end the frustration and get more of what you want from your business?
“All the latest hi-tech web design gadgets, bells and whistles won't help make you any money unless you learn to use words and sales strategies that have been proven to get attention, generate interest and desire, and motivate people to take buying action now.” Mark Hendricks The Little Secret That No One Is Telling You...
“It doesn't matter how pretty and professional looking your ad, sales letter or website is, the only way you're going to make money is by using words that communicate clearly the benefits of your offer and the reasons why your prospect should buy from you rather than anyone else.” Mark Hendricks The Little Secret That No One Is Telling You...
Persuasive words and strategies that get your reader… ATTRACTED to something that will be of… BENEFIT to the them...then enough DESIRE for that BENEFIT must be generated to motivate them to… TAKE ACTION and… BUY NOW The Little Secret That No One Is Telling You...
"It's the WORDS that do the selling..." “You've got to write your sales message so your prospective customers develop an emotional desire for what you're offering them, before you ask them to buy.” We ALL decide with emotions, and then justify with logic. The Little Secret That No One Is Telling You...
"Your ability to write persuasively is the most important and most widely overlooked marketing tool that you will ever acquire.” Mark Hendricks
A little known, yet very important secret... There are three basic things that have to line up for you to make a sale: 1 - Right Market 2 - Right Offer 3 - Right Time
1 - Right Market Easy to Find and Reach Hungry and Starving Crowd Already Interested Already Motivated Already Buying Buying Repeatedly It’s the “List” Right Market - Right Offer - Right Time
2 - Right Offer Use the 5 P’s of the Offer (more later) Perceived Value and Resulting Benefits to the Buyer have to be much higher than their cost Right Market - Right Offer - Right Time
The 5 P’s in the offer: Promise - include the 3 biggest benefits Product - give a detailed description Package - include extra bonuses Price - offer special pricing Penalty - time limit, quantity limit, etc. Right Market - Right Offer - Right Time
3 - Right Time People buy when they are ready, not when you want to sell them something Persistent followup Right Market - Right Offer - Right Time
The Psychology of the Buying Process Three Steps 1 - know you 2 - like you 3 - trust you
The Six Psychological Triggers To Use In Every Ad, Salesletter, or Website “Influence: The Psychology of Persuasion” by Robert Cialdini
The Six Psychological Triggers To Use In Every Ad, Salesletter, or Website 1 - Authority / Expert If people perceive you as an expert, they will respect your opinion, and believe what you say is true and worthwhile
The Six Psychological Triggers To Use In Every Ad, Salesletter, or Website 2 - Liking People do business with people they like If you want a friend, be a friend
The Six Psychological Triggers To Use In Every Ad, Salesletter, or Website 3 - Commitment and Consistent Behavior Begin with small commitments, things that are easy to agree to Develop the trust relationship over time
The Six Psychological Triggers To Use In Every Ad, Salesletter, or Website 4 - Reciprocation Do a favor for them first The tendency is to return a favor to someone who has helped us
The Six Psychological Triggers To Use In Every Ad, Salesletter, or Website 5 - Social Proof Others think you’re good, so you are quickly accepted as good by others (personal testimonials)
The Six Psychological Triggers To Use In Every Ad, Salesletter, or Website 6 - Scarcity People tend to want what is scarce Create special offers with a time limit, and/or quantity limit
By using these six triggers in every Ad, Salesletter, or Website you quickly get people through the three steps of: 1 - Know you 2 - Like you 3 - Trust you
Let’s Position You As An Expert Right Now 1 – Expert Authority 2 – Liking 3 – Commitment / Consistency 4 – Reciprocation 5 – Social Proof 6 – Scarcity
Let’s Position You As An Expert Right Now Now you write a letter using those six psychological triggers as your guide
The Greatest Success Secret Of All Time The author lived thousands of years ago His book is only 4 short chapters long Many times it’s hidden away at the end of one collection of books and just before another collection of books Most people have never found it or read it Sadly, most people never heed the advice
“The book?” you ask… ___________________________________
Read Malachi 3: Ever since the time of your forefathers you have turned away from my decrees and have not kept them. Return to me, and I will return to you," says the LORD Almighty. "But you ask, 'How are we to return?' 8 "Will a man rob God? Yet you rob me. "But you ask, 'How do we rob you?' "In tithes and offerings. 9 You are under a curse—the whole nation of you—because you are robbing me. 10 Bring the whole tithe into the storehouse, that there may be food in my house. Test me in this," says the LORD Almighty, "and see if I will not throw open the floodgates of heaven and pour out so much blessing that you will not have room enough for it. 11 I will prevent pests from devouring your crops, and the vines in your fields will not cast their fruit," says the LORD Almighty. 12 "Then all the nations will call you blessed, for yours will be a delightful land," says the LORD Almighty.
Give It A Try Select a few charitable activities that you like Each month take 10% right off the top of your income and write checks to those charities or look for new needs that come up Focus on making that 10% bigger – make that your income goal This helps you focus on why you were put here on Earth – to be of service to others The good news – you get the 90% And if the 10% gets bigger, so does your 90% …
If you have any questions on marketing, sales copywriting, or joint ventures, or other topics or projects you’d like to discuss, please feel comfortable in approaching me. ____________________ Mark Hendricks I appreciate you! I’ll be around…let’s talk