1 Coaching and Counseling Part of the Performance Management Skill to improve the employee performance
2 Corporate Affairs Division Training Dept. - DR Definition Is the process in which a manager and employee review past performance and guide the employee’s future performance and development.
3 Corporate Affairs Division Training Dept. - DR Aims of Coaching Make the employee aware of the gaps between current performance and expectation performance from his/her manager Agree on and implement plans to improve the employee performance. Expectation performance are: What to be achieved (Goals/Result) How to achieve the goals (Competencies)
4 Corporate Affairs Division Training Dept. - DR Benefits of Coaching Employee competencies and skill develop. Performance improvement related to the business strategy, vision and mission. Some term used as Performance Counseling. Coaching is not: Personal Counseling. Career Counseling. Formal annual performance review.
5 Corporate Affairs Division Training Dept. - DR Coaching Principle Motivate the employee to perform. Fully involve the employee. Help the employee understand what is expected of him/her. Help the employee understand how well he is performing and how to improve.
6 Corporate Affairs Division Training Dept. - DR Four Elements in Coaching Coaching Competencies Communication Skill Diagnostic Skill Coaching Model Development Goals Special Assignment Improvement
7 Corporate Affairs Division Training Dept. - DR Coaching Competencies 1. Impact and Influence Involves persuading, convincing, and impressing others in order to get support. 2. Developing Others Includes a genuine interest in making planned actions to help other learn and develop. 3. Holding People Accountable Using power appropriately to make other comply, for the good of company. 4. Interpersonal Sensitivity Wanting to understand other people and culture. The ability to accurately understand the spoken and unspoken or potentially expressed, thought, feelings and concern of others.
8 Corporate Affairs Division Training Dept. - DR Additional Competencies Analytical Thinking Understanding the situation by breaking it into smaller pieces, identifying the relationship between the pieces, tracing the implication or relation type, and making systematic comparison. Achievement Drive Concern for producing an end result, or trying to reach a standard of excellence. Involves setting a challenging goals, developing a means to do better, setting priorities to maximize performance and taking calculated risk.
9 Corporate Affairs Division Training Dept. - DR Coaching Behaviors Genuineness. Being open and honest about feedback and their developmental need and opportunity. Demonstrating commitment to the coaching process. “ Hand-Off” Support. Positive expectations that employee can do well when they are properly motivated. Letting people do their own work. Reinforcing the employee achievement. Accurate Empathy Ensuring understanding, restating the employee concern, ideas and orientation accurately. Aware on the biases and assumption about employee’s behaviors
10 Corporate Affairs Division Training Dept. - DR Communication Skill 1. Interpersonal Sensitivity Behavior Indicators: Enjoys learning about other people. Understand either emotion or content. Understand both emotion and content. Understand underlying Cultural issues. Modify behaviors and impact based on understanding of Culture
11 Corporate Affairs Division Training Dept. - DR Communication Skill 2. Listening Skill 1. Try and really listen with an open mind (Content, Feeling and Intention). 2. Check for understanding Check the feelings by reflect the talker’s feeling, paraphrased in your own words. Match employee depth of feeling, light or serious. Check the content by restate the employee basic ideas, emphasizing the facts. Check the intention by establishing employee conclusion and judgment to get his/her wants.
12 Corporate Affairs Division Training Dept. - DR Listening Skills L ook at the employee I interuption – avoid them S ummarize regularly T ime – allow sufficient E ncourage the person to talk N urture the environment of trust (objective and supportive manner)
13 Corporate Affairs Division Training Dept. - DR Communication Skills 3. Questioning 1. Use an Open-ended Question because: Showing the interest. Make others feel more comfortable. Letting the manager hear more. Help the manager focus on the performance. 2. Be patient, give a minute to think the answer. 3. Avoid using “Why” term since in can be interpreted as blaming.
14 Corporate Affairs Division Training Dept. - DR Questioning Approach G oals Are their clear about the goals? Have they set any sub goals along the way? Are the goals realistic and measurable? Where are they right now with the project? What is helping and hindering the process? Is there anyone they can learn from? What are the options available? Are there any possibility? Which is the most appropriate option? What is their level of commitment? If commitment is low, would be better focusing their energy else where? What would be the consequences of this R eality O ptions W ill
15 Corporate Affairs Division Training Dept. - DR Communication Skills 4. Performance Feedback Honest and Helpful Feedback Must be understood Be specific Provide recent example Must be accepted Descriptive not Evaluative Ensure Balance Ensure employee not preoccupied Provide discussion Be able to do something Behavior can be changed There are alternatives 1-2 key areas at the time
16 Corporate Affairs Division Training Dept. - DR Diagnostic Skills Desired Performance Actual Performance GAP SOURCES: Self report from Individuals Direct observation Written material Third-Party reports Notes including: Situation Action Inaction Outcome
17 Corporate Affairs Division Training Dept. - DR Handling Problem 1. Identify the problem. 2. Find the source of problem. 3. Analyze the forces influencing the behavior. 4. Plan and Organize coaching session. 5. Determine what the worker believes caused the counterproductive behavior and what will required to changed. 6. Maintain a sense of timing when use directive or non-directive approach
18 Corporate Affairs Division Training Dept. - DR The Coaching Model Actual Performance Desired Performance Create Tension/ Energy for change Commitment to change Support Goal and special assignment Action Plan 1. Preparation 2. Set the stage 3. Explain desired performance 4. Explain actual performance From the employee From the manager 5. Work toward reducing gaps 6.Summarize the discussion and offer ongoing support SMART Goals Milestones Resource required Steps to overcome obstacle
19 Corporate Affairs Division Training Dept. - DR Poor Performance Consider 4 factors before we judging as a poor performance: 1. I know what the behavior is. 2. This is causing us a problem. 3. Other managers would see this another way. 4. I am not just being silly and picky
20 Corporate Affairs Division Training Dept. - DR Reasons of Performance Gap 1. Personals’ ability (Lack of Information, Lack of Skills) 2. Managers’ ability 3. Process gap 4. Environmental force 5. Personal circumstances 6. Motivation
21 Corporate Affairs Division Training Dept. - DR Dealing with Poor Performance Discuss the issue by providing clear feedback and consequences. Try to get the root of the issue. Explore all the options and alternative available to help by bringing back on track. Agree on the next step and set clear objective followed by regular review. Provide training and coaching if necessary. Monitor and keep the document progress
22 Corporate Affairs Division Training Dept. - DR How to Motivate Others Allow individual to develop their self. Set target to give a sense of achievement. Give as much as possible (Empowering). Give regular feedback. Encourage teamwork to enhance a sense of belonging and develop valuable contribution to the team. Ensure the work environment is conducive
23 Corporate Affairs Division Training Dept. - DR Keep them in the picture…not in the dark Find out the drives. Do not assume that money is the only factor. Realize that your own motivation will influence other. People will support what they help to create. Show trust and be open with people. How to Motivate Others
24 Corporate Affairs Division Training Dept. - DR Empowering 1. Responsibility (Develop their sense of value to the organization). 2. Trust (working with integrity and honesty) 3. Training (Enablement vs. Empowerment) 4. Support (spending time coaching, testing out ideas and allowing for mistakes)
25 Corporate Affairs Division Training Dept. - DR Enablement vs. Empowerment Empowerment High Low Enablement LowHigh Entrenched Bunkers Loose Cannons Fully Empowered Caged Eagles
26 Corporate Affairs Division Training Dept. - DR Support vs. Challenge Support High Low Challenge LowHigh Apathy Zone Comfort Zone High Performance Zone Burnout Zone
27 Corporate Affairs Division Training Dept. - DR What is Counseling? The reason for counseling is to help employees with his personal problem in order to achieve organizational or individual goals …is talking with a person in a way that helps that person solve a problem or helps to create conditions that will cause the person to improve his behavior. …involves thinking, implementing, knowing human nature, timing, sincerity, compassion, and kindness. …involves much more that simply telling someone what to do about a problem.
28 Corporate Affairs Division Training Dept. - DR Type of Counseling Directive: The counselor identifies the problem and tells the counselee what to do about it. Nondirective: Means the counselee identifies the problem and determines the solution with the help of the counselor. Confronted: Show the gap between the ideal and the existing condition.
29 Corporate Affairs Division Training Dept. - DR Effective Counseling Respect for employees This quality includes the belief that individuals are responsible for their own actions and ideas. Self- Awareness This quality is an understanding of yourself as a leader Credibility This quality is achieved through both honesty and consistency between the leaders statements and actions Empathy This quality entails understanding a subordinates situation