ENTRY TO HIGHER RMPS Nat 5 or above in RMPS or a Social Subject or English.


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ENTRY TO HIGHER RMPS Nat 5 or above in RMPS or a Social Subject or English

The RMPS Higher Course has 4 units World Religion: Christianity Religious & Philosophical Questions: Do miracles happen? Morality & Belief: Religion in Conflict RMPS Assignment: Worth a third of your final grade Mr McCready Mr Porter

Mr Porter’s part of the RMPS Higher 3 periods per week World Religion Christianity Unit Religious & Philosophical Questions Do Miracles Happen?

CfE Higher Exam Paper Front Cover Either 2 x 10 mark essays per section OR 1 x 20 mark per section You will need to do structured essays SQA Specimen papers

Amazon Textbooks that would be good to have if you can afford them Amazon CfE David Jack

CfE Higher World Religion: Christianity Use as a check list revision guide and for homework tasks

CfE Higher Religious and Philosophical Questions: Do Miracles Happen? Use as a revision guide checklist and for homework tasks

World Religion Christianity Unit Religious & Philosophical Questions: Do miracles happen? Unit Accounts of the supernatural & miracles in the Bible, history & today. Literal and metaphorical interpretations of miracles in the Bible. Philosophical & Scientific accounting of miracles Compatibility of Science & Faith

Due every Thursday Homework tasks Plus ‘Show & Tell’ what you learned from the week(s) before verbally and in writing. (ie notes, mind maps, study cards, etc)