Gathering Data Chapters 11-13
Things to Remember: Simulation: Come Over To Rowayton Regarding Swim Club Sampling: SRS is simplest sampling type but not always the most practical Systematic Sample: Choose the 1 st subject randomly and then every nth person after that Stratefied Sample: Divide subjects into homogeneous groups, a good example would be to divide students into 9 th, 10 th, 11 th, 12 th grade and then take a random sample within each grade Cluster Sample: Divide subjects into heterogeneous groups and then sample everyone from those groups, a good example would be PE classes. Convenience Samples and Voluntary Samples introduce Bias Sampling Error is expected, Bias can be avoided by designing a well designed sample that uses randomness
Experimental Design: #1 Draw the Diagram (Make sure to put “Random”, “Block”, “Evaluate/Compare” on diagram) #2 Identify the Subjects/Experimental Units, Factors, Levels and Treatments #3 Tell specifically how you will randomly assign subjects to treatments #4 Tell specifically how you will evaluate Block before Random Assignment Blinding reduces confounding Single Blind is when administrators/Subjects or evaluators are blinded Double Blind is when administrators/Subjects and evaluators Are blinded