Sra. Penning Español V ¡Bienvenidos!
My background West Chester University- (Undergraduate and graduate) Teaching experience Immersion trip to Mexico Exchange trips to Spain
Course Objectives This course is designed to develop advanced skills in listening, speaking, reading, and writing and to prepare students taking the AP Spanish Language Exam. Culturally, the focus begins with Spain. Students will examine important historical events and read literary works from those periods. Attention then shifts to other Spanish speaking countries whose history, culture, and literature are explored.
Objectives Continued All parts of the Spanish AP Language Exam will be practiced throughout the year. In addition, each student will participate in an oral “exit interview” to determine his or her level of proficiency based on the ACTFL guidelines.
Grading Quizzes Tests Participation (daily with one grade given at the end of each quarter) Presentations Projects and Dialogues Homework Compositions
A typical week in AP Spanish Monday and Tuesday= grammar Wednesday and Thursday= history, culture, literature, etc… Friday= AP Test Prep
Should I take the AP test? A score of 3 of higher can exempt students from some college’s foreign language requirement or may allow students into higher level courses. Recent Penncrest grads who earned a 3 on the AP Spanish exam received 12 credits at PSU. Research potential colleges’ requirements and policies regarding the AP Spanish Exam to help inform your decision.
How can I help my AP student? Encourage AP prep outside of the classroom. There are extensive resources available for free online. Provide your students with a good dictionary and lots of flash cards! Remind students of the importance of reading and listening to authentic sources such as Spanish language television, Spanish newspapers online, Spanish podcasts, etc….
Communication Phone: HW hotline: x1403 Web site: webpage, e-faculty, Penning