IFS310: Module 4 11/3/2015 Structured Methodology and COBOL
IFS310: Module 4 11/3/2015 OUTLINE OF CLASS Discussion –Structured Analysis and Design –Structured Programming (COBOL) –Systems Analysis Strategies Group Project
IFS310: Module 4 11/3/2015 Strategies for Systems Analysis and Problem Solving Modern Structured Analysis –Model –Model-driven development –Process Models - Data Flow Diagrams (DFDs)
IFS310: Module 4 11/3/2015 Structured Systems Analysis and Design Methodology (SSADM) A systems approach to the analysis and design of information systems. Involves the application of a sequence of analysis, documentation and design tasks. Uses a combination of text and diagrams throughout the whole life cycle of a system design, from the initial design idea to the actual physical design of the application.
IFS310: Module 4 11/3/2015 SSADM (cont.) SSADM uses a combination of three techniques: –Logical Data Modeling –Data Flow Modeling –Entity Behavior Modeling
IFS310: Module 4 11/3/2015 Structured programming A subset or subdiscipline of procedural programming, one of the major programming paradigms. It is most famous for removing or reducing reliance on the GOTO statement (also known as "go to"). Break larger pieces of code into shorter subroutines (functions, procedures. methods, blocks, or otherwise) that are small enough to be understood easily.
IFS310: Module 4 11/3/2015 COBOL COBOL is a third-generation programming language. Its name is an acronym, for COmmon Business Oriented Language, defining its primary domain in business, finance, and administrative systems for companies and governments. COBOL did not support local variables, recursion, dynamic memory allocation, or structured programming constructs. Support for some or all of these features has been added in later editions of the COBOL standard.
IFS310: Module 4 11/3/2015 Structure of COBOL (Example) Handout
IFS310: Module 4 11/3/2015 Structure Chart
IFS310: Module 4 11/3/2015 What is System Analysis? Systems analysis is the dissection of a system into its component pieces for purposes of studying how those component pieces interact and work. survey study definition Systems analysis is (1) the survey and planning of the system and project, (2) the study and analysis of the existing business and information system, and (3) the definition of business requirements and priorities for a new or improved system. A popular synonym is logical design.
IFS310: Module 4 11/3/2015 The Survey Phase Survey Problems, Opportunities, and Directives Negotiate Project Scope Plan The Project Present The Project
IFS310: Module 4 11/3/2015 Outputs of Survey Phase Project Charter Problem Statement Scope Statement
IFS310: Module 4 11/3/2015 The Study Phase Model the Current System –The overriding modeling strategy is information hiding. –Data, Process, and Geographic Modeling Analyze Problems and Opportunities –cause/effect analysis.
IFS310: Module 4 11/3/2015
IFS310: Module 4 11/3/2015 The Study Phase (cont.) Establish System Improvement Objectives and Constraints Modify Project Scope and Plan Present Findings and Recommendations
IFS310: Module 4 11/3/2015
IFS310: Module 4 11/3/2015 The Definition Phase Outline Business Requirements Model Business System Requirements Logical models depict what a system is, or what a system must do – not ‘how’ the system will be implemented. Because logical models depict the essence of the system, they are sometimes called essential models
IFS310: Module 4 11/3/2015 Model Business System Requirements Data Modeling Process Modeling Geographic Modeling (Network Modeling) Object Modeling
IFS310: Module 4 11/3/2015 The Definition Phase (cont.) Build Discovery Prototypes (opt.) Prioritize Business Requirements –Timeboxing is a technique which develops larger fully functional systems in versions. Modify the Project Plan and Scope
IFS310: Module 4 11/3/2015 Deliverables Business Requirements Statement –“Big Picture” of the system –Trigger of the systems design
IFS310: Module 4 11/3/2015 Group Project Objectives –Milestone 1 (if not done yet) –Milestone 2 Overviews Problem Statement Narrative descriptions of processes (data flows, data stores, external entities)