Health and Safety Executive Health and Safety Executive Dealing with Construction Health Risks – A Regulators Role Clare Forshaw Construction Sector - Health Risk Management Unit
What ’ s the problem ? Workplace ill health kills and ruins lives in the construction industry. Statistics indicate that a construction worker is at least 100 times more likely to die from disease caused or made worse by their work as they are from a fatal accident. From CONIAC Health Risks Working Group Position paper on health risks in construction ( NOV 2011)
What ’ s the problem ? Number of construction safety related fatalities 2012 / 2013 : 39
What ’ s the problem Estimated number of construction asbestos related fatalities each year: >2500
The scale of the problem Estimated number of construction silica related fatalities each year: 500
The scale of the problem Number of construction painter and decorator trade related cancer deaths in
The scale of the problem Number of construction related cancer deaths from exposure to diesel engine exhaust emissions in
The scale of the problem Number of construction days lost due to safety related issues 2011 / 2012: 0.6 million Number of construction days lost due to health related issues 2011 / 2012:1.7 million
The scale of the problem cases of ill-health in of which are newly reported
Accident v Ill Health Fatals
Challenges Transient workforce Transient worksites Often not ‘ employed ’ Complicated supply chain Variety of health risk exposures Continuous and accessible OH provision
HSE ’ s Role Enforcement Engagement CONIAC & Health Risk Working Group Dust Partnership Supply Chain Projects Evidence Health Risk Management Maturity Index Painter and Decorators DEEE
Enforcement: Health Inspection Initiative 2 week focus on health interventions in June Ongoing focus throughout next few years workplan Operational guidance detailing enforcement expectations on leading health risk issues
Engagement: CONIAC Health Risks WG Sub Group of the main CONIAC committee Established ‘ position paper ’ on health risks in construction Guidance for Employer on ‘ demystifying ’ – What is Occupational Health What you need to do to comply with the law on risk management Role of employer – ‘ Intelligent Customer ’
Engagement: Construction Dust Partnership
Construction Dust Partnership “ To raise awareness within the construction industry about lung diseases related to hazardous workplace dust and to promote good practice to prevent these diseases, particularly for those undertaking high risk tasks ”
Engagement: Paving Road & Highways Supply Chain Project Work with representatives from across the construction supply chain Address issues of relevance and importance to the sector Ensure those who can influence health risks understand and are able to carry out their role
PRH Project – Working Groups Exposure Monitoring & Health Surveillance Risk Matrix Level playing field & Procurement
Evidence Cutting roof tile silica exposure Hazardous substance exposures Woodworking exposures Development of a new tool to assess maturity in managing health risks Do we have the right information on current exposures ie painters & decorators, DEEE
What employers should be doing There is a need for ‘ ownership ’ of the problem Education! Engagement, Collaboration Duty as employer, Duty under CDM Regs Supply Chain
Role of OH professionals Education! Demystify Clarity of services being provided Engagement – with dutyholder, workers and other health professionals
Health v Wellbeing V
Key Health Messages Who does what? ‘ Everyone has a role to play ’ Assess ‘ Manage risks not lifestyles ’ Control ‘ Ill-health can be prevented ’ Review ‘ Control the risks not the symptoms ’
Opportunities Increased awareness Increased engagement Success in safety Other initiatives e.g. DH Responsibility Deal Working together
Health and Safety Executive Health and Safety Executive Thank you for listening Any questions……