Joe Serna, Jr. Charter School Charter Annual Report Lodi Unified Board of Education November 6, 2007 Michael Gillespie, Principal Chris Metz, Advisory Committee Co-chair
Joe Serna, Jr. Charter School Overview Addition of eighth grade 4,640 hours of parent participation (An increase of 707 hours) Did not meet API/AYP goals in language arts for either the school or significant subgroups for school year. Met all AYP targets in math for school year. Art instruction in every class each week Parenting classes for nutrition, parenting skills, family literacy, and family crisis workshops
Joe Serna, Jr. Charter School Three Core Elements of Serna Charter: Two-way Immersion – Proficiency in two languages, Intercultural understanding Integrated/Thematic Instruction – Problem solving, cooperative learning. Personalized Learning – Small School Comminuty; All students meeting state standards
Joe Serna, Jr. Charter School Staff Development Focus Math Matters Guided Language Acquisition Design (GLAD) Two Way Immersion Teacher Development Focus on Literacy and Language Arts
Joe Serna, Jr. Charter School Parent Survey 45% Response 98% either very satisfied or satisfied with the educational program Student Survey 2-8 th Grade Positive about school, teachers, and learning. There are some issues of bullying we are continuing to address.
Joe Serna, Jr. Charter School Demographics
Serna API Results 139 point gain over six years
Two Way Immersion Cohort CST Language Arts: Fifth Grade Students in the Dual Immersion Program Cohort Group
Two-Way Immersion Language Arts Assessments
2006 AYP Proficiency Targets – English Langugae Arts
2006 AYP Proficiency Targets - Math
Joe Serna, Jr. Charter School Possible Causes for Decrease Students in eighth grade took only the general math section of the CST. There were four new teachers last year in key instructional positions. The Dual immersion program can have both positive and negative impact on CST results. Standards not being taught consistently across all grade levels.
ACTION PLAN Analyze STAR results and plan staff development and curriculum alignment. Continue to target students in significant sub- groups to increase levels of proficiency. Continue to implement Interventions in reading/language arts and math. Utilize Bridges program to increase intervention with all students. Utilize the Student Study Team (SST) and Individualized Educational Program (IEP)