Page 1 Recording of this session via any media type is strictly prohibited. Page 1 Construction Industry Session IND003 WEDNESDAY, APRIL 30, :00AM TO 11:00AM
Page 2 Recording of this session via any media type is strictly prohibited. Session Moderator: Dave Dolnick, Risk Manager, The Brady Companies
Page 3 Recording of this session via any media type is strictly prohibited. What to Expect A open roundtable discussion of current topics specific to construction risk management Agenda items are flexible… This is YOUR session…
Page 4 Recording of this session via any media type is strictly prohibited. TOPICS Anti-Indemnity Statutes – California joins the trend. Impact? Response? CIP programs –What’s your experience over the past year? More of them? Less of them? Have you seen changes in the quality of CIP programs CIP programs with NO Completed Operations coverage? CIP endorsements with significant problems and limitations in coverage How available is DIC coverage above CIP programs? Any changes in how you’re handling things?
Page 5 Recording of this session via any media type is strictly prohibited. TOPICS Pre-Qualifications – are you doing anything? In-house? Out-sourced (and to whom?) CGL issues The New ISO form (CG ) – Any impact on construction? Are you seeing erosion of completed operations coverage under the AIE? Subcontractors – what is the biggest pain in GC/Owner insurance requirements for you? Subcontractors – how are you protecting against owner and/or GC default?
Page 6 Recording of this session via any media type is strictly prohibited. TOPICS Asbestos Risks New frontiers, new claims, new jurisdictions? Are you facing new exposures from old buildings? Silica Risks Impact from OSHA’s new proposed rule? Construction Defect Claims – What’s the status in your area or region? Any changes in the treatment of defective work as an occurrence?
Page 7 Recording of this session via any media type is strictly prohibited. TOPICS Construction Risk Management – Operational issues What are you doing differently today? How are you dealing with the challenges? How’s your staffing level? Are you outsourcing more, less or about the same? What about contract re-negotiations with service providers (rate reductions, etc?) Bonding contractor/subcontractor/supplier liens, Triggers to completed ops coverage - are substandard materials being used as a cost savings device?
Page 8 Recording of this session via any media type is strictly prohibited. Please complete the session survey on the RIMS14 mobile application. Questions? Comments? (619) ext. 243