InAs Inserted HEMT 2004.06.16 연성진
contents 1.Introduction 2.Structure & Device performance 3.Improvement scheme
InGaAs/InAlAs HEMT low noise and high frequency device Conduction Band 2DEG Fermi Level Energy band diagram of a HEMT low noise and high frequency device high electron mobility & high sheet carrier density high saturation drift velocity Material Bandgap Energy (eV) Electron Mobility (cm2/V·s) Peak Velocity (cm/s) Si 1.13 1,300 1.0x107 Ge 0.76 3,800 - GaAs 1.42 8,500 2.0x107 InP 1.26 4,600 2.7x107 InAs 0.35 27,000 4.2x107 In0.53GaAs 0.75 12,000 2.9x107
Channel structure Lower band gap material as channel material: InGaAs channel InAs channel Lower band gap material as channel material: Higher Electron confinement Higher mobility Lower noise Lower sheet resistance higher saturation drift velocity
InAs inserted HEMT For Higher gain Higher frequency characteristics Cap InGaAs Cap InGaAs Barrier InAlAs Barrier InAlAs Channel InGaAs Channel InGaAs SubChannel InAs Channel InGaAs Buffer InAlAs Buffer InAlAs Substrate InP Substrate InP InGaAs/InAlAs HEMT InAs Inserted HEMT For Higher gain Higher frequency characteristics
Channel engineering Channel total thickness: 300Å Target: Higher mobility Variable: InAs thickness, Upper InGaAs thickness Dependence on growth tech.
Device performance 0.1um T-Gate fT=290GHz @ Vds=0.5V Low drain bias voltage limitation owing to the increased output conductance
Low drain bias voltage limitation Low on-state breakdown Bias sweep limitation Drastic increment of output conductance Low Fmax By Impact ionization!
Impact Ionization process Hole accumulation 1. Impact Ionization 2. Electron-hole pair is generated 3. the hole is attracted to source region 4. hole accumulation in source region 5. electron is attracted from source by accumulated hole Carrier multiplication Positive Feedback
Lowering Impact Ionization rate Composite channel with low I.I threshold energy material Channel quantization
Composite channel (with low I.I threshold energy material ) Impact ionization threshold energy in InP is higher than in InGaAs or InAs wider band gap energy larger electron effective mass. => contribute to decreased impact ionization effects
InGaAs/InP composite channel HEMT Advantage of composite channel with InP: InGaAs or InAs (high mobility at low fields) InP (low impact- ionization, high saturation velocity)
Channel quantization Channel quantization with decreasing channel thickness Enhancement of the channel bandgap Increment of threshold energy for i.i =>reduces impact ionization effects in on-state breakdown
Application to InAs(1) Increment of Effective bandgap Reduction of impact Ionization hole current Reduction of saturation current level Composite channel
Application to InAs(2) Structure A: L1=9nm, (single side doped) Structure B: L1=2nm, (single side doped) Structure C: L1=2nm, (double side doped) Structure B Structure C
Conclusion InAs Inserted HEMT Lowering Impact Ionization rate Merit: Higher Gm Higher Ft Problem: Low bias voltage limitation (Low On-state breakdown voltage) Lowering Impact Ionization rate Composite channel Channel quantization
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