It is only with the constant and widespread involvement of Jordanian women at all levels and in all fields of social, political, economic and cultural development, that Jordan will continue to offer its own specific model of progressiveness and tolerance in this volatile region and to the wider world. HRH BASMA BINT TALAL
Former President of the Federation of Jordanian Women; one of the women leaders with a long history in defense of women's rights. She has recently been selected within the 8 Arab women leaders in the Arab world out of 80 positions in decision-making positions...
Member of the House of Representatives,
Judge of International Criminal Justice/ United Nations; the First woman Judge in Jordan; President of the Elections' High Commission of the Jordanian National Forum for Women
Deputy Governor - Central Bank of Jordan ( CBJ), Board Member - Jordan Forum for Business and Professional Women Association; the First Arab Lady to hold a post of Deputy Governor for CBJ...
Business Woman, Member of (JFBPW) Jordan Forum for Business and Professional Women, Member of Young Entrepreneurs Association (YEA)
Attorney at Law; Regional coordinator of the Group of Family Health / Arab Forum; Representative of the Organization of Arab Women in Jordan; Member of the Legal Committee of the National Commission for Women's Affairs...
Journalist and activist; author of a book on the so-called honor crimes in Jordan. The book highlights the problem in many countries in the world and explores the social, religious and pre-root aspects of the issue...
Member of the Senate House; member of the Parliamentary Committee on Population and Development; member of the Educational and Cultural Committee...
Member of the House of Representatives; member of the Forum for National Women \ Zarqa, Member of the Union Club Rusaifa...
Assistant Secretary-General of the United Nations \ Director, Regional Bureau for Arab States in UNDP, Awarded the Jordan Globe Class...
Member of the Jordanian Senate \ Chairperson of the Committee for Population and Development \ and a member of the Arab Parliamentary Interim, Director of the National Programmer "Women and Development" in the Nour Al Hussein Foundation with funding from the United Nations Fund for Population UNFPA...
President of the Association for Development and Rehabilitation of Rural Women \ Former President of the Federation of Jordanian Women...
President/CEO of AlMultaqaa Brokerage Co, Establishing the first brokerage firm chaired by women and Has Ranked no.13 as the strongest business women out of 50 women...
Researcher and Writer; has worked in the United Nations Program for Development UNDP at the international, regional and local branches (New York, Rome, Yemen, and most Arab countries), and worked as an independent expert and researcher, and Free Lancer with United Nations organizations that are specialized in media issues, social, women's issues and development...
Former Minister of Tourism and Antiquities, Member of the negotiations for peace on the environment between Jordan and Israel
Secretary of the General Federation of Jordanian Women, Founding member of the Forum for Women of Jordan; the first group of ladies who was appointed to the municipal councils in Jordan...
Head of Gender Statistics Division at the Jordanian Statistics, Ministry of Planning - Department of Statistics (DOS).
Former Minister of Public Sector Development in Jordan; Assistant Secretary-General of the sector Alaguettsadi for 2006 in addition to the social sector, the first appointment of a woman in this position since the founding of the Arab League...
President of General Federation of Jordanian Women; member of the National Agenda Royal Committee; Member of the Religion Co-Existence Center...
President of the Foundation for Sustainable Development, Community development in cities and rural areas for women's empowerment and community development. She supports sustainable development projects particularly in the area east of Amman, the construction of schools, health centers and sports clubs, social centers and motherhood, childhood and women's associations...
Minister of Social Development; Member of the Jordan River Foundation; Member of the Executive Committee of the Arab Women's Summit...
EXPERT: SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT/ GOOD URBAN GOVERNANCE, and GENDER ISSUES (FREE LANCER); Head of the sector of social development and women’s projects at the Jordanian National Five-Year Plan, Member of The Circassian Women Society – Amman, Jordan...
Former Minister of Planning and Minister of State for Cabinet Affairs; Member of the Jordanian National Commission for Women's Affairs; Member of the “Friends of UNICEF for the children of Jordan.”
Judge, and Chairwoman of West Amman Court of First Instance; President of the Legal Network for Arab women; the first DA in Amman.
These huge numbers of achievements make me proud of being a Jordanian woman...