Preparing For Drought Alexander Hinz Daniel Rice Dorothy Young ________________ Water Supply Division Texas Commission on Environmental Quality 2015 TCEQ Trade Fair
Drought Monitor Map
Surface Water Intake
Drought Contingency Plans Required for wholesale and retail water providers Review goals, triggers and number of stages Evaluate effectiveness of plan implementation relative to goals Contact TCEQ for guidance documents related to development or revision of plans
Address Water Loss Do you know your current water loss? Look for and repair leaks Replace meters Contact the Texas Water Development Board for assistance with water loss equipment
Sources of Water Does your system have access to an alternate source of water? Do you need an interconnection with an adjacent public water system? If you use surface water should you also consider groundwater sources (wells)? Can you extend intake for surface water or lower pump for groundwater?
Surface Water Intake
Source Water Evaluation Do you know the level of water above your surface water intake? Water Data for Texas Do you have a surface water right or do you purchase contract water? Do you measure your water levels in your well(s)?
Water Availability Track water levels regularly o Surface water above or below intake o Groundwater above pump or below surface Identify trends o Drought versus ‘normal’ Nearby stream or lake level gages o Identify long-term or seasonal trends Equipment to measure o Borrow from nearby systems, river authority, groundwater conservation districts, etc.
Water Shortage Reporting Retail and wholesale water providers must notify TCEQ if they are reasonable certain they have less than a 180-day supply of water remaining TCEQ has developed an online form to report water use restrictions and available supply of water remaining
Surface Water Intake
Emergency Management Be familiar with you local emergency manager Do you have an emergency plan if a water shortage is imminent Texas Division of Emergency Management
Texas Department of Emergency Management
Common Drought Related Projects Interconnection with an adjacent public water system Extending surface water intakes to deeper water Drilling groundwater wells Purchasing additional surface water from a water right holder
Approval of Water Related Projects TCEQ approves most water related projects Must submit plans and specifications prepared by a licensed profession engineer (must be licensed in Texas) Allow time for TCEQ review and approval
Funding Sources - Water Rates Review your system’s water rates Do you have funds available for emergency projects?
Funding Agencies Texas Water Infrastructure Coordination Committee o Texas Water Development Board Texas Department of Agriculture US Department of Agriculture
Partnerships Strength in numbers Interconnects Shared funding Shared sources
TWICC Meeting
For More Assistance TCEQ Assistance o Financial Managerial Technical Assistance Contract o Stacy Foster o Assistance with planning, leak detection, funding sources, mergers, treatment, etc. o TCEQ Public Drinking Water Conference August , 2015
Questions? Alexander Hinz Daniel Rice Dorothy Young