Interoperable Multi-Agent Systems in Near-Field Communication Networks Mathias Rieder
Contents 1.Motivation 2.MAS / Agent 3.Standards 4.JADE 5.Jade Bluetooth Extension Interoperable MAS in NFC Networks2 Develop an understanding for Multi-Agent Systems and for Software Agents Show the role and the purpose of interoperability standards Understand the architecture of JADE. Develop an implementation strategy for an Extension without corrupting the architecture or the implemented standards Implement and test a Bluetooth Message Transport Protocol.
Motivation Moreno, Valls & Viejo presented an implementation of a MAS for mobile devices 1) – Always-connected & IP-based (GPRS) – Implementation for MIDP/CLDC ( Java MicroEdition ) – They omit the idea of using short range communication technologies for building MAS 1) Antonio Moreno, Aïda Valls, Alexandre Viejo, Using JADE-LEAP to implement agents in mobile devices, Interoperable MAS in NFC Networks3
MAS “loosly coupled network of problem solvers that interact to solve problems that are beyond the individual capabilities or knowledge of each problem solver” [Durfee and Lesser, 1990] – distributed Agents with incomplete of information or capabilities to solve a problem – No system global control – No centralized knowledge base – Agents run asynchronously / in parallel [Sycara, 1998] Interoperable MAS in NFC Networks4
Agent [Russel and Norvig, 2003] – Agent Function f … Agent Function P... all possible perceptions (measurements) E … Environment A … all possible Actions Interoperable MAS in NFC Networks5
Standards Foundation For Intelligent Physical Agents – FIPA – FIPA Abstract Architecture promote interoperable agent applications and to define a common agent infrastructure Interoperable MAS in NFC Networks6
Standards (2) MAS Interoperability Agent Interoperability Interoperable MAS in NFC Networks7
JADE Java Agent Development – 100% pure Java Interoperable MAS in NFC Networks8
JADE (2) How do Agents communicate with each other? – FIPA compliant Message Transportation – Asynchronous Messaging (Mailbox) Interoperable MAS in NFC Networks9
JADE (3) How do Containers manage Message Transport? – JADE Containers implement the Composite Filter Pattern Decorate an Object with a chain of filters for incoming and outgoing method calls. (inspired by Aspect-oriented programming) Interoperable MAS in NFC Networks10 [Bergmans and Aksit, 2004]
JADE (4) How do Containers manage the Message Transport? – Agents communicate with the container using the Command-Pattern. The commands travel through the filter chain (Composite Filters) Interoperable MAS in NFC Networks11
JADE (5) How to tell the container to use Bluetooth? – Message Delivery Filter (“CommunicationChannel”) must be extended in order to use Bluetooth Interoperable MAS in NFC Networks12
JADE Bluetooth Extension Interoperable MAS in NFC Networks13
JADE Bluetooth Extension (2) Connection Setup BT-Inquiry Service Discovery – ~ 17 sec Avg. Roundtrip time – ~250 ms Interoperable MAS in NFC Networks14
Future Work More detailed performance measurements – Implement test-scenarious proposed by [Vitaglione et al., 2002]. Message Routing – Inter-container routing in order to support higher distance Fully distributed MAS – Implement the FIPA components (AMS, DF) as fully distributed databases as proposed by [Jinbae Park, 2009] in order to get rid of the Main-Container Interoperable MAS in NFC Networks15
References [Antonio Moreno, 2003] Antonio Moreno, Aida Valls, A. V. (2003). Using jade leap to implement agents in mobile devices. [Durfee and Lesser, 1990] Durfee, E. H. and Lesser (1990). Negotiating task decomposition and allocation using partial global planning. [Sycara, 1998] Sycara, K. P. (1998). Multiagent systems. AI Magazine, 19(2). [Russell and Norvig, 2003] Russell, S. J. and Norvig, P. (2003). Articial Intelligence: A Modern Approach. Pearson Education. [Bergmans and Aksit, 2004] Bergmans, D. L. and Aksit, P. M. (2004). Principles and design rationale of composition lters. In lman, R., elrad, T., Clarke, S.,and Aksit, M., editors, Aspect Oriented Software Development [Vitaglione et al., 2002] Vitaglione, G., Quarta, F., and Cortese, E. (2002). Scalability and performance of jade message transport system. [Jinbae Park, 2009] Jinbae Park, Hyunsang Youn, E. L. (2009). A mobile agent platform for supporting ad-hoc network environment. International Journal of Grid and Distributed Computing Interoperable MAS in NFC Networks16