Chapter 17 Section C Reformation CAUSES The Renaissance emphasis on the secular and the individual challenged Church authority. The printing press spread secular ideas. Rulers resented the Pope’s attempt to control them. Northern merchants resented paying church taxes to Rome.
PROBLEMS IN THE CHURCH Claims of corrupt leaders. Luxurious living and spending of Church officials including the Popes. The focus of Church leaders became worldly rather than staying religious. Many priest and monks were poorly educated. Priests marrying, gambling or drinking excessively.
Early Calls For Change John Wycliffe Of England John Huss Of Bohemia
Desiderius Erasmus and Thomas Moore
Girolamo Savonarola-called for people to burn their worldly possessions (Bonfire of the vanities).
Martin Luther
Became a monk in 1507 Taught scripture at the University of Wittenberg Took a stand against the selling of indulgences Wrote the 95 Theses attacking the “Pardon Merchants” Luther’s Actions begin the Reformation
1.People could win salvation only by faith in God’s gift of forgiveness 2.All Church teachings should be clearly based on the words of the Bible 3.All people with faith are equal. People did not need priest to interpret the Bible for them. Luther’s 3 Main Ideas:
Response to Luther Pope threatened excommunication Pope Leo X excommunicates Luther
Further responses to Luther Holy Roman Emperor, Charles V issues the Edict of Worms The Edict declares Luther as an outlaw and heretic
Prince Frederick the Wise of Saxony shelters Luther
Luther and his followers set-up their own church and are called Lutherans. Peasants revolt in favor of Luther Revolt horrifies Luther who urges German princes to show no mercy in putting down the revolt Many princes share Luther’s beliefs because it will free them from the control of the Pope Princes who support Luther and protested the control of Charles V and the Pope were called Protestants
P eace of Augsburg-Princes agree that the religion of each German state was to be decided by its ruler
Henry VIII of England needs a male heir
His Queen, Catherine of Aragon gives birth to a female-Mary
England becomes Protestant The Pope refuses to annul his marriage Henry has the Parliament (Reformation Parliament) pass laws ending the Pope’s authority in England Parliament legalizes Henry’s divorce
Henry had secretly married Anne Boleyn
Parliament approves Henry’s Act of Supremacy This Act makes the English King the Head of the Church
Consequences of Henry’s Change Henry closed all Catholic Churches & Monasteries and seized all Church property Henry increased the Monasteries power and wealth Henry had his first wife beheaded when she did not produce an heir He had four other wives before he died
Wives of Henry VIII
His third wife produced a son named Edward VI (ruled 6 years and died)
Henry’s third child was Elizabeth I
Henry’s daughter Mary (Bloody Mary) returned England to the Pope
Elizabeth I returned to Protestantism Elizabeth’s church will be called the Anglican Church or Church of England
Threats to Elizabeth The Spanish Armada Money was always short
TA17D Read Pages Copy and Define the Terms on Page 500 Copy and Answer Questions 16, 17, and 18 on page 502