Know and use the different functions on a basic calculator
Percentage To add 10% to 57 you do as follows: [push % button] > as soon as you push % the display will show what 10% of 57 is (5.7) Push the = sign and 10% will be added onto 57 for a total of 62.7
Memory M ⁺, M-, MRC, The memory keys on a calculator help you to store the results of a calculation that you will need to use later in another calculation
Memory Enter a number that you want to store. It can be a final answer from a previous sum. Press the "Memory Store” button or MS. Do your other calculations. (They will appear on the screen). When you need the information that you have stored, press the MR button, short for "Memory Recall". This will bring up your stored number on the screen. Carry on with your calculations as normal. To add a number to the previously-stored number, press the "M+" button after entering a number. To subtract a number from the previously-stored number, press the "M-" button after entering a number.
Memory When you no longer need the information, clear the memory with the MC ("Memory Clear") button.