eBooks at BGHS: A How-to Guide Brittany Butler, Librarian This guide will show you how to checkout eBooks using the iPad app or a web browser.
Follett Digital Reader: Available FREE in the App Store You will need to type in our web address: wbb36654 Your username is your student ID (also your Infinite Campus login) Your password is your lastname
Click here to search for and check out e-books Any books you have checked out and/or downloaded will appear here
You will need to login again to search for books Login: Infinite Campus login/student ID Password: your lastname
Click on the cover of the book you would like to read or check out
The book will be returned automatically in 10 days, or you may click here to return it early. Click here to close out
Click “Bookbag” at top to return to your books Click here to read your book online
Push the “home button” at the bottom of the iPad. Then tap the Follett Reader App to download your book to your iPad.
Click on the Download button to load the book to your iPad. This will make the page turns faster! Please note: If you download, you will only be able to read the e- book on THIS iPad.
If you are using a school iPad, be sure to logout when you are finished.
This is what it should look like if you have successfully logged out.
If you do not have an iPad, you can still read e-books online. You can use any device with a web browser, including a computer, phone, or e-reader.
Login/Logout here Click on “FollettShelf” to search for e- books
Click on the book to open it and check it out
This is what the online reader looks like. You have the option of viewing 1 or 2 pages at a time.
To read on your iPhone, download the “TextFlow” app from iTunes. You will need your Follett login and our library code: wbb36654.