Accelerated World History October 2, 2015
Warm Up – October 1, th Period – Get out 3 pieces of notebook paper, put your name, date, and class period in the upper right hand corner. You will begin writing immediately after the bell. 5 th Period – Get out a sheet of paper and label it K-W-L. Under the K, write two things you ‘know’ about the Byzantines. Under the W, write two things you ‘want’ to know. At the end of class, under the L, you will write two things you learned today. Pick up the last two pages for your packet at the front of the room.
Agenda DBQ (Document-Based Question) on the Byzantines Reminders : Chapter 11 Guided Reading due Thursday, October 8 th
Requirements for the Essay At least 4 paragraphs (you can do more! ) 4-6 sentences per paragraph Express your opinion Cite the documents to support your opinion Check for grammar and spelling mistakes Good luck! You will do great.
Bucketing Look at the documents you just analyzed. Organize your thoughts into 2, 3, or 4 buckets. Remember, these are your body paragraphs for your essay that you will write tomorrow/Monday. Creation of the Orthodox Christian Church Influence of Justinian law Protection of literature from Greco- Roman times
Thesis Development & Road Map The primary reason to study the Byzantines is the impact they had on the cultural traditions of the Western world because they protected the religious, legal, and literary heritage of the Greco- Roman time. Creation of the Orthodox Christian Church Influence of Justinian law Protection of literature from Greco-Roman times