By Casey Callaghan Computers 8 The Inconvenient Truth
Provides energy Provides energy 2 kinds 2 kinds Simple (sugar) Simple (sugar) Sources: fruit, candy, veggies etc. Sources: fruit, candy, veggies etc. Complex (starches) Complex (starches) Sources: Pasta, bread, wheat etc. Sources: Pasta, bread, wheat etc. Should be around 40% of your diet Should be around 40% of your diet
Builds up your muscles and organs Amino acids decide if it’s complete Complete sources: meat, milk etc. Incomplete sources: peanuts, rice, beans etc. Should be around 20% of diet
Helps food move through your body Helps food move through your body Sources: Sources: Whole-wheat breads, cereal, fruit etc. Whole-wheat breads, cereal, fruit etc. Adult men should eat grams per day Adult men should eat grams per day
Helps keep body running 2 kinds Unsaturated Sources: Plant foods, Fish, veggie oils etc. Saturated Sources: Meat, Cheese, Milk etc. Should be around 30% of your diet
Feed your body’s needs Feed your body’s needs 2 kinds 2 kinds Water soluble Water soluble Don’t get used in body as much, come out as pee Don’t get used in body as much, come out as pee Fat soluble Fat soluble Get stored for longer (1 day to 6 months!) Get stored for longer (1 day to 6 months!) Should get as many as possible Should get as many as possible
Help body grow and develop Help body grow and develop 2 kinds 2 kinds Macrominerals Macrominerals Need more of these in diet Need more of these in diet Sources: Milk, salt, etc Sources: Milk, salt, etc Trace minerals Trace minerals Only need a little a day Only need a little a day Can be found in Iron, fluoride, etc Can be found in Iron, fluoride, etc Cannot have too much Cannot have too much
Most important nutrient Only one kind – water Drink as much as possible Most of your body is water
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