Summary Mini-Grant Authentic Assessment Projects Elluminate update session ATL Conference Presentation : “Collaborations that Work” PILR Project Summer Emerging Technology Workshop
Mini-Grants Many focused on developmental and ESL A librarian is working on an analysis and summary of the projects
Emerging Technology & IL Teaching Workshop About 45 participants, including some discipline faculty 2 great keynote speakers Fantastic food Many thanks to Katy Dichter for help planning!!
Workshop – what they liked The keynote speakers provided an insightful, relevant and coherent framework for our work. I loved learning about the new technologies available for information literacy. Discussion of what Information Literacy instruction should be about; demonstration of web tools. Nick and Anne Marie's four guiding questions to ask when considering adopting a new technology or evaluating an existing one. The project management portion is directly applicable to some of my work, too.
Workshop - what they plan as a result… Completely overhaul the way I teach students about research process--the academic model I learned 20 years ago is no longer the way I research, so why should I still be teaching it? Work more closely and continually with the library staff at my school, to implement projects specific to online teaching. Create an information literacy teaching plan (one that is written not just in my head). Also to incorporate more engaging activities into my lessons. Manage projects effectively by not being overly concerned about the risks involved in embarking into a new project.
WASSAIL – Special Event What Live training for open sources assessment tool Funds for travel & stipend available When Wed. August 18, 2010 Where Bellevue College Space still available! To register:
PILR Updates Rubrics June 3, 2010 – Rubric Norming in Bellevue with Megan Oakleaf Additional rubric work in July and August Teams Teams at 10 colleges – now collecting student learning data Teams at 3 more colleges begin in fall 2010 New teams invited to apply to start in winter & spring 2010 Literature Review is complete & posted
PILR: Research Teams: 2010 Starting Winter Lower Columbia Pierce - Ft. Steilacoom South Seattle (two teams) Skagit Valley Starting Spring Clover Park Lake Washington Pierce – Puyallup Wenatchee Valley Whatcom Starting Fall Walla Walla (2) Columbia Basin (2) Highline (3) Quarter 1 Plan & design Quarter 2 Norm, Implement, Report & Revise Quarter 2 Norm, Implement, Report & Revise Quarter 3 Implement, Report, Revise Quarter 3 Implement, Report, Revise Quarter 4 Implement, Report Quarter 4 Implement, Report
Preview Continue PILR Shift focus to “Rising Junior” Fall workshop Mini-grants Summer 2011 Workshop: Custom ACRL “Immersion” event
LSTA Steering Committee Deb, Myra, Wai-Fong, Katy Dichter, and Lynn Another volunteer dean? Special thanks to Mindy & Jon as well as Maureen Pettit (SVC) for their work on PILR project.