By: Chase Houston
Gears A gear is a wheel that has teeth. Gears come in different shape and sizes.
Inclined plane A ramp that uses less effort by traveling a greater distance. A smooth slanted surface, such as a ramp. My Lego was a inclined plane.
levers A projecting handle that adjust or operate a mechanism. A bar which lies on a fixed support known as a fulcrum.
Pulley A chain or rope wrapped around a grooved wheel. A wheel turned by or driving a belt.
Screw A device which combines the mechanical advantage of a continuous inclined plane and a wedge. A metal pin with incised threads and a broad slotted head that can be driven as a fastener by turning with a screwdriver.
Wedge A piece of metal or wood with one or two inclined planes. A piece of material, such as metal or wood, thick at one edge and tapered to a thin edge at the other for insertion in a narrow crevice, used for splitting, tightening, securing, or levering.
Wheel and axle A simple machine made up of two circles. A simple machine consisting of an axle to which a wheel is fastened so that torque applied to the wheel winds a rope or chain onto the axle.
machine A device consisting of fixed and moving parts that modifies mechanical energy and transmits it in a more useful form.
Work Physical or mental effort or activity directed toward the production or accomplishment of something.
Force Power made operative against resistance.
Mechanical advantage The ratio of the output force produced by a machine to the applied input force